
Nov 30, 2011 07:04

Next week I'll be 43 years old.

In 2 or 3 weeks I hope to start a new job, which will be a variation on the old job but for more money and without permanence (i.e. contracting). I'm looking forward to it, and sad about leaving friends and colleagues behind, and slightly nervous and a bit excited.

I still dream of a more artistic career one day, and now that I've realised my artistic inclinations are more sculptural and 3-dimensional than writerly, I'm more certain that this is something for me. Can't yet reconcile the artistic dreams with the dreams that require money (e.g. a small homestead near Lara, frequent world travelling), but that won't stop me from making wonderful things as a hobby for now. If it never becomes more than a hobby, that's okay.

Small and sustainable homes continue to fascinate me. If I had building skills, maybe this could be a productive, financially sound outlet for creativity. I don't have building skills and it's a bit late in life to become a master builder. But it's something I keep turning over in my mind and maybe I could acquire enough skills to be useful/dangerous.

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