Random grab-bag

Aug 28, 2011 06:31

When I want to share something with the internet, I no longer know where to put it. Too many choices! Images and quotes go on Tumblr, stuff to share with family goes on Facebook, longer, introspective things go here on LiveJournal still, but what about shorter bits of randomness?

Eh, here will do.

Bought Sims Medieval a week ago. Eris and I are both having fun with it, although it's somewhat buggy and frustrating to have to give up on a quest halfway through because your Hero Sim is stuck in some repetitive motion, and is slowly starving to death.

Yesterday I discovered a runaway Simple Dog while out for a walk. We brought her home, sang Bohemian Rhapsody to her and gave her a towel to become her home. She had a phone number on her collar but the owner wasn't answering, so Simple Dog stayed with us for 3 hours until owner thought to check her text messages. That's right, when your dog is missing, spend several hours walking and driving around the area looking for her, and don't think to actually CHECK THE PHONE CORRESPONDING TO THE NUMBER ON THE DOG'S COLLAR. Sigh. At least this Simple Dog still recognised her owner and went home happily, after making our own 2 dogs nervous, chewing on their toys and pattering cheerfully around our home. It was an Adventure.

Earlier in the day, we took our own 2 Simple Dogs to Altona beach for their own Adventure. They got very wet and sandy, chasing seagulls and bounding through the shallows. Eris and I took sketchbooks and coloured pencils. I drew a landscape with Eris in it, and Eris drew things in the sand, and it was an enjoyable time all around.

When Eris is older and has left home, I am going to live in Italy for at least six months. In Venice, preferably, in a tiny shoebox of a flat. I've never been to Italy, and know only a few words of Italian.

Bought some weaving sticks a few weeks ago. Compared with knitting, they are ridiculously easy to use. No idea what I'm going to do with the finished weaving, but I'm having fun making it.
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