Stupid arguments

Jul 29, 2011 18:16

My daughter is angry at me because I used plastic bags to bring the groceries home.

Never mind that these are biodegradable plastic bags, and anyway I'm planning to use them to clean up dog poop, and if I didn't use these ones, I'd be deliberately buying other plastic bags to clean up the dog poop with. Never mind that most of the stuff we buy is packaged in plastic of one kind or another, most of it worse for the environment than these plastic shopping bags.

Nope, I used plastic bags, therefore I am an evil murderer of sea animals. My poop-filled bags will somehow mysteriously lose their poop, blow away into the sea instead of being buried in landfill, and be eaten by a dolphin who mistakes the bags for jellyfish.
I am an evil dolphin murderer, and my daughter is sulking in her room with the door slammed shut.
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