Ughh so so sick

May 18, 2011 10:11

Think it's flu this time, not just a cold. Have an appointment at new doctor in half an hour, really really want to go back to bed but ought to stay up otherwise I may not get up in time to go to doctor. Started feeling odd in sinuses yesterday morning, thought it was just the travel sickness tablets (taken for rough crossing between Shute Harbour and Hamilton Island), by the time we were on the plane I was pretty sure I was coming down with something, six hours later I was thoroughly miserable, standing on an overcrowded bus from the airport to Melbourne CBD, hoping and hoping that I wouldn't collapse before getting on the train to Altona. Made it home hooray! But have deadlines coming up for work, a deliverable that's supposed to be delivered this Friday and that I can't hand over to anyone else (all the info is in my fuzzy fuzzy head), a presentation to give in Sydney on Tuesday, and argh argh argh body why do you do this to me?

Maybe a shower will help. A bath will probably help more. I will try a bath.
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