Today is...

Oct 02, 2004 23:15

Hey...'s October 2..and as some of you's my birthday!!
..And turning 17 is definitely a strange feeling. I don't really feel any different...certainly I am a day older...but that 24 hours has not made me a completely different person. I guess the number 17 is a little intimidating for me..or...surreal...I mean, it seems like just yesterday I was still in elementary school and wishing that I was older. And now..I just wish time would slow down a seems to be passing me by so quickly that I can't keep up. I kind of feel like I missed out on being 16 in a I never had a chance to stop and enjoy it..and that whole year is all ready gone. It's strange, scary, and surreal all at the same time...

But I am grateful for the time I do have...and for all of the wonderful, caring, amazing friends that I have to share that time with. I don't think I would be the person I am today without each and every one of you have all made an impact on my life (past and well as my future I am sure)..The past seventeen years have been full of emotions and, frustration, sadness, tears, birthdays, deaths/funerals, parties, holidays, etc...and I am glad to have shared these years with you all. I want to thank each and every one of you for being there for me...good times and well as for the lovely birthday wishes today. I really appreciate all of the effort those of you made to make my day important..even the simplest calls or messages wishing me a Happy Birthday really made my day. So THANK YOU!!! And I hope you all are having a wonderful weekend as well... <3 <3
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