For once I actually care that the mail came today...

Jul 12, 2004 23:25 I missed I Love the 90's...whoops! But in better news.... I GOT A 5 ON MY AP HISTORY TEST!! Honestly..I am absolutely's like a huge weight has been lifted off my chest (in the words of Ashley :-D ) It was the one thing that had me worried from day one of school last year..and now I am just glad it is over and that I know my score...Congrats to everybody who did well!

Also..I saw Fahrenheit 9/11 on Sunday...I honestly think it was well worth seeing..I would definitely recommend it. It really made me stop and think about America, our President, and how things have unfortunately been run... It helped put a lot of things into focus.. If anybody can sit through that movie...after seeing the burned/mutilated bodies of innocent civilians in Iraq and the hundreds of coffins of American soldiers and tell me that something did not go wrong w/ that situation and certain desicions which caused it...I would have to seriously wonder where morality and compassion went in America. I think Michael Moore took a brave step in making that movie..he deserves more respect than he has I think... In any event..I suggest everybody see it. Anybody who has seen it... opinions??

I guess besides summer summer has been pretty enjoyable. I hope you all could say the same of yours.

Also..does anybody have any music or movie recommendations? Thanks... <3
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