(no subject)

Mar 30, 2010 15:11

Eliot is going on a loss, his first loss, and to make it a bit more fun I've opted to expand it into a rather large group loss. It's mod approved and I hope that it's a bit of fun for anyone that wants to play along.

I'm looking for about 11 other castle residents to pick up roles and then a lot of others to just be "victims" of the antics that happen.

What's the loss?

Previously on...
¿Qué Has Perdido?

A Paradisa Telenovela starring... your character! I've typed up some of the stereotypical roles from Telenovelas, along with a general idea of what their "role" is within the story. If you read all the characters, you can see that they are all very much intertwined. How the story actually evolves will be up to the players as secrets get revealed and stories get expanded, but I just wanted to give you all a Telenovela background to start with.

The loss will start this Friday April 2nd, and will continue for 13 days. Whether or not the plot actually wraps up will depend on how far people take their given story arcs. I'll keep an eye on everyone that is cast, so that I can try to guide things with my two characters, and see if I can sort out a big dinner type event to cap up the loss where all the secrets come out.


?? as... The Daughter
- She's going through a rebellious streak, defying her father's wishes at every turn. She's also flirting with the Gardener, because she knows her father would never allow it, since he's just a Gardener.

?? as... The Father
- He thinks no one is good enough for his daughter, but meanwhile is cheating on his wife with the Maid.

?? as... The Sexpot Wife
- She's waiting for her husband to have a stroke so she can use his money to fund the drug cartel, and just found out she's pregnant. Who is the father? The drug cartel leader or her husband that she's waiting to die??

Oliver Queen as... The Gardener
- who tends to the family's home and the convent, is in love with the Daughter and knows he isn't good enough for her, but doesn't know he's really the long lost heir to some fortune.

?? as... The Maid
- is the mistress that thinks She should Just Poison them all.

(currently held) as... The Nun
- Despite running to the convent for "mysterious" reasons, she doesn't want to be a nun. She's tempted by lust and sees something in the Town Billionaire that she thinks no one else sees.

Sakaki as... The Nun's Younger Sister
- wants to be a nun, and is forced to deal with all the family drama and doesn't want to disappoint her socialite mother.

?? as... The Mother
- With two daughters all she wants is for them to be happy, but she's clueless to their real wants and needs, more focused on living vicariously through the youngest daughter. Married for years but is a closeted lesbian living with her best friend who's clueless of the potential romantic relationship.

?? as... The Mother's Best Friend
- the sister of the Leader of the Drug Cartel who is using her connection with the Nun daughter to hide the usage of the church to run the drugs out of town.

?? as... The Priest
- Struggles with the truth that when the Nun took her vows, he was paid to fake it, because the Billionaire's Son is in love with the Nun and holds the the deed to the convent/church and the winery over his head.

?? as... The Town Billionaire
- He's made his fortune by inventing the twist off safety caps on plastic soda bottles.

?? as... The Town Billionaire's Eldest Son
- Runs family business is in love with the nun, but doesn't know she's in love with his father.

Zack Addy as... The Town Billionaire's Youngest Son
- The Pride of his father, he can do no wrong. Even when it's absolutely nothing at all except spend the money of his father, constantly.

Bela Talbot as... The Town Vixen
- Everyone wants her, but, sadly, she's in a loveless marriage to the Town Billionaire. They even live in different wings of the mansion. She's his second wife and the Step-Mother to his two sons.

Sylar as... The Leader of the Drug Cartel
- Has disowned his son after he learned of his betrayal. He is in love with the Sexpot wife and has plans to murder her husband and make it look like an accident.

John "Grimm" Reaper as... The Drug Cartel Leader's #1 Guy
- Gets things done. Also doesn't trust the Sexpot wife or her husband.

?? as... The Drug Cartel Leader's Daughter
- sent off to boarding school after her mother died, she's returned to town hoping to find her brother, against her father's wishes, and is forced to keep his secret when she finds him.

Eliot Spencer as... The Missing Son
- Ridiculously smart and good looking, but he wears glasses all the time to hide from his past as the son of the leader of the Drug Cartel who tried to turn his own father in.

The best thing about this loss, is that those who are on the loss will believe that the rest of the castle residents are the background characters. There are cheeks to slap, drinks to throw, accusations to be made and more! If you'd rather be a victim to someone's character antics please comment!

Also if you'd like to participate but want to be a different character, run it by me and I'll see if I can add it in! I'd prefer to try and fill the roles I've already established, but I'm not going to say no to a set of twins (one good - one evil), or mysterious relatives (like a King to a Foreign Land looking for his son?) that show up either.

Extras // Background Characters
Character Name - IM Name (for checking for abuse approval)
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