The - I Totally Get It Now - Plot

Mar 25, 2008 22:16

Basic Overview: Castle residents believe they are from a different canon for 10 days.

OOCly players will have to sort out who's going and who's staying from their own canon. Then find people to add into their canon. They will also need to determine if they want to play along with new people that have been "adopted" into their world or if they want to stick by the, "Ugh, the castle messed with you again." standards.

Castle Wide or Specific Character Plot: Castle-Wide Opt-In
Scheduled Start Date: No sooner than May
Scheduled End Date: 10 Days After it Starts
Other Information:

Good morning! Last night you went to bed, curled up and warm, wishing you could understand just a bit more about that friend you've made here. They tell these stories about a world you've never been to, never been able to see, and you know that they have had a rough experience back home, but you can only say, "That must've been difficult" so many times. If only there was a way for you to understand, for you to know what it was like for them back home. You'll never go there though and even if they are from the same world as you - you'll never have recalled meeting them here.

It's a shame.

Well, it was - until you woke up this morning. In fact this morning you know exactly how it was back home for your friend. You were there, right by their side for all of it. Things aren't so bad since they're here with you.

Though, not everyone seems to remember the same things as you two do. In fact, some people seem to think that the castle has altered your memories. Pffft, what do they know? It must be a temporary loss, one of those 'Memory' things that has affected them.

After a week, the original memories start to pop up. It's at random times - not so much replacing the false memories, but showing a more real experience to those affected.

The final two days the castle starts to let those false memories slip into a part of their memory reserved for dreams and fantasy. Allowing the memories to stay behind, but be no more real than a vivid dream. The shared experience between the two friends though can be interpreted to have been an amazing moment to really feel as if they understand, or it could be twisted to be another time when the castle pulls the rug out from under them.

Example of the Plot In Action:

Bugs Bunny wakes up one morning to believe, completely and whole-heartedly that he's been living in Toon Town with Mickey Mouse. The two of them are best friends, in fact Bugs was the one that introduced him to Minnie Mouse.

Mickey thinks this is totally normal. He asks his BFF Bugs to lunch and the two of them chat about the old days. When that silly Pluto chased him around the yard and when Goofy bought that old jalopy.

Donald is completely confused. He's never met Bugs before coming to the castle. In fact he tries to convince Mickey of that, but is dismissed since Mickey swears Donald and Bugs were in a bowling league called: "We Wear No Pants".

More Notes:

I know this has the potential to get a bit complicated. That's why OOC planning is a huge deal. It'd probably end up being in a few posts. Plus, this would be a good time to have a "Pimp Your Fandom" Meme in YuuYuuPandaLand. Maybe even with an OOC post that hints at the upcoming plot. Something like, "In May (June/whatever month) if you've got a fandom you're familiar with and would love to play with the cast of that world here in the castle in a new way, start thinking about those fandoms a bit more."

The initial plot announcement will be the Q&A part. This is just to make sure everyone understands what is going to happen, their options as far as playing along or ignoring it.

The first planning post one will be a general - "Here's my characters, I'd like to put these people into new fandoms, here are ones I'd like to try." Suggestions can be made, loose plans set into minds.

The second planning post will be set up like the comments below. It'll be more organized, more streamlined for the fandoms in the castle in order to keep things straight. This way people can see who they need to know, talk to, etc to plan out their new histories with.

A week after the second planning post there will be the final post where everyone can post up who they have, and what they are doing with this plot. Final notes can be made, changes adapted, and such.

Even More Notes:

My hope, is that this plot helps bring Paradisa together a bit more OOCly and ICly. A lot of us are fans of other fandoms, other casts but don't have characters that could be from that world - or we think they'd be excellent in that world. There are though a lot of "groupings" that tend to happen and maybe placing someone out of their fandom "group" and into a fandom that the writer loves will build up new CR and new OOC relationships.
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