Jan 17, 2009 02:19
First day of ballroom dancing.
My partner / guy I invited / registered with me bailed. Had something to do in West Virginia apparently, but I don't mind. It just means I know how to do the box step and he doesn't. BD
I actually had a lot of fun! I'd have more fun if I had a partner my size, but I think I'm getting the hang of it! My teacher seems to think so, although I need to improve on "letting the music take its flow" and moving more to the rhythm. It's been a very long time since I ever took a dance class, but I'm really glad I decided to take this one. It's really a lot of fun.
It's almost my first day of my "Shadow of Colossus run-through in four days ka-ching ka-ching," and I'm proud to say I met and surpassed my daily colossi quota! [I figure four a day in four days will be sixteen, although I've done six today.] It was embarrassing how long it took me to relearn the controls.
I also finally understand the meaning of the fruit! The lizards, not so much, but I'm willing to kill them anyway.
Blocking out the blunt, fuzzy guilt of killing incredibly designed huge stone monsters, I'm having fun re-exploring the game. It's still lonely and challenging, but I never get tired of watching my horse trample lizards.
Good News! For some indistinct reason, we decided to actually use the central heating. Hell must have frozen over. [Certainly feels like it outside.]
Bad News! Something, somewhere, is broken, and we have no hot water in the bathtub or sinks. That means I'm going to contract hypothermia tomorrow morning. How cold could it be once I get used to it? [<- Even I have the sinking feeling I will rue the day I spoke those words]
Cold water is supposed to make your hair shiny
[Quick Last Note: Updated Photobucket with four new icons: one random DMC one, one GU, and two for FFVII, for which I also added a new album. They make me miss Tifa. ]
shadow of the colossus,