"We had a sharko. It was a hat that ROARED."

Nov 30, 2009 20:08

Game Informer's big "Top 200 Games" article got me thinking about all the video game stuff that's been going on with me recently, so that's the majority of this entry. I cut it for you. <3

[In list form, because GI cut "Lists! Everybody Loves Lists!" and they are bastards for it. YOU HEARD ME.]

I hadn't realized I hadn't blathered on about this, so:
I finished Prince of Persia.
No spoilers from me, but let's say that I WANT A SEQUEL NOW. NOWNOWNOW.
I need to find a way to play the Epilogue you can buy for it. I MUST. Gah, my god. It's insane.

Also: I remember I stumbled across a screenshot of a very pretty game that hadn't come out in the US yet, while I was looking for post-apocalyptic graphics for a roleplay, or something like that... and I couldn't remember if I'd fished for info about it on LJ or not.
[I don't think I did, I spent, like, two minutes combing my tags.]
Anyway, it's Fragile: Farewell Ruins of the Moon, and it makes me want a Wii. Seriously, the screenshots I've seen of it are gorgeous. [The Ex bought a Wii. Every time he mentions it I just want to go "why do you fail so hard at decisions? when I kill you I will take it anyway and play darkside chronicles on it and fap to newbie Leon" ]

Also: I want Borderlands. Now. Like, fr srs I want it. Man, I was following dat ass since before it switched to cell-shading das reprezzentin hawdcoar
I know it's uber-popular and everyone's fangasming over it and it's like "HAVE MY MUTANT DYSTOPIAN BABIES BORDERLANDS FFFFFF" but I really do want to play this game. Not just because it's popular. Buuu, I feel so mainstream sometimes...
Which reminds me that I still want to try Fallout 3. I don't know if I would buy it, but I still wanna try it. Post-apocalyptic games intrigue me, but this one especially.

Also: I've stolen a hoodie from Anduru. It's off white/gray with a red lining, and it's come to be known as the "Assassin's Creed" hoodie, and that's reignited my desire to play that game for real. It's one of the few things I've played demos for, or at least gone out of my way to watch some, and I WANT IIIIT. Not as much as Borderlands, but still. I mean, just having the hoodie lets me run around and jab my friends in the side with my middle finger. [Accompanied by obligatory "SHCK" sfx.]
My friend Viper bought it over the break... when she's done, I'm tapping that thing, hard.

Also: My dad needs to STFU. He knows a lot of shit about a lot of shit, but he does not know shit about video games. Also, he deleted an LJ post I was working on because he wouldn't wait out a computer spazz moment, when I KNEW it would revert to normal. UGH. He's normally an ass, but even more so recently. And, because of GI's "Top 200 lolololol Games of All lol Time" article, he was dumping on Zelda. I was just: "WHAT IS THIS I DON'T EVEN WHAT ARE YOU JECHT????" /deokio ref
Also, he doesn't know how to shut up when mom plays RE4. [That's right, my mother plays Resident Evil 4! She was also pissed about the Pikachu balloon's lack of attention in the Macy's Day parade. I love her so much.]

Also: RE6 IN 2013 [thank you liot-chaa-haaa-haaaaaan TT wTT^ ]
My fledging Google-Fu skills, put to good use!
Whatever happened to that new RE movie that was going to come out? Not that I care more about the movies, but I heard something and then it just kind of disappeared... [Also: not VG related, buuuut there's going to be a fourth PotC movie. Mandatory Sparrow squee.]

Also: Saw the trailer for the Prince of Persia movie when I went to see Old Dogs, and it actually looks not-suck. It makes me feel guilty for never having finished the first game, although I loved it mightily. [But nothing tops the Prince in the 360 version. He is amazing. "Don't look at my butt." "I'm not looking!" "I've felt you looking." ]

Also: I kinda finished Beautiful Katamari. There's still plenty of stuff for me to do, but I plugged up the big black hole and all is well for the moment. I loved rolling Uranus. PFFFFFT
In We Love Katamari, there was this supposed "1000000 Roses" level, where you rolled up a million roses... I think you had to get all the cousins to unlock it. I really want to get it, and for a while I was questing for it... I think I might go back to that. Because I think all those roses would be really nice to see! :]

Also: Modern Warfare 2 seems overly hyped. Even more so than Borderlands. If Ghost is not Gaz, I will have no interest in it. GAZ ILU<3

Also: I want Persona 3's OST. BADLY. I have, like, three songs from it at the moment, but I want more. It's addictive. And it makes me wanna play it more. <3 [I miss my little girlfriend. (I was totally digging Chihiro. Cute girls in glasses get me every time.) But I don't know if I could juggle a faux school life and a real school life... I'd probably start standing up in class and trying to go to track practice.]

Well, that's all the video game stuff I can blather on about at the moment. A lot of my thinking is being taken up by Okami and DMC, and I keep feeling like I'm really becoming a Capcom fan...

Oh, ALSO: new game for the Wii-- Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars, January 2010-- DANTE IS NOT AMONG THE CAPCOM ROSTER ACCORDING TO GI AND I WAS LIKE "EXCUSE ME"
I mean, Frank West is there-- Frank fricking West, the same grim-faced douche-nozzle who pulled off quotes like: "I've covered wars, ya know."
And, he jumps like a girl!
Conversely, Dante jumps like a MAN!

Our computer has been acting strange. Like, seriously, it just blacked out on me, and then popped back up. After going to a blank orange screen. It annoys me, but the fact that my father thinks he can solve it by violently shutting the computer down. I'm guessing his next step will to be to take a rock and try and beat the demons out of it.

So. Um. My senior project portfolio was due today. It is such shit I can't even believe it. It's all fricking bureacracy and I don't need the extra stress and it's just BS. Urgh. I'm so sick of it. When it's all over, the next person to ask me "well wut r u doin wiv ur life????" is getting a butterknife, right to the LEFT SWEET EYEBALL!

Heheh. I'm actually doing pretty okay, all things considered. I halfway understand math, English is so easy it's... really sad... Digital Photography is suspiciously slow-going, and Art... well, c'mon. I could get a dog to scoot it's butt across a canvas and my teacher would probably dither over the "natural originality" and "emotional connotations". She might as well just open her textbook to a rnadom page and point to words. It'd be the same damn thing.
[Did I complain that this is her first year teaching art, and I'm an AP student? Ready. To die.]

But, anyway, I'm just going on.
One of my friends cast me as Snow White for a just-for-fun video she's making of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. And then she was like "I see your hair now, and now I wanna do Alice in Wonderland!"
She must be smoking something. I'm no lead! Can't I be a woodland critter?!
In any case, it's exciting, and I can't wait to get started on it with her. XD

I feel like I'm missing all these cool entries by my friends. *watery eyes* I love you people, I hope you know! O:

gaming, video games, boderlands, ass-ass-in's creed, capcom, senior project, agh boderlands, stupid dadfase, resident evil, prince of persia, gamer girl power

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