I do! I do! X3 It's finally in my possession! I have my own avatar, and my own puny gamerscore, and it's all mine!
/giddy possessiveness
But, yes! I have two controllers, Xbox, RE5, and a couple of other games.
I can already tell that my Xbox-- known colloquially as the Sexbox-- is going to be a hoot and a half.
Viper plugged it in a her house yesterday, during a thunderstorm, saying "It haz surge pro-tec-torrrr, dun worry"
And, like, the first thing it does is red ring. XD
Fortunately, it survived, and appears to be playing just fine. Still, I facepalmed pretty hard. Talk about a near-death experience...
In light of that experience, though, I've decided to keep at least around $250 in reserve, so in case the Sexbox fails, I have a good running start for replacing it.
I've heard rumors that Microsoft is going to do away with the Pro, and just make the Arcade bigger, so you're stuck between the Arcade or the Elite. But, honestly, the Arcade and Elite are exactly the same console, the Elite just has more memory and a shiny, OCD-appeasing black exterior. Dunno. I'm hoping the Sexbox will last for a while, and if it doesn't, I've already got $200 saved up, and I next month's money pretty fast. Plus, October = birthday cash <3 ...
I feel kind of bad about being so ready to buy a new one, since my friends bought the Sexbox for me... but if the thing red rings for real, I doubt the warranty is still active / would still be active, and it'd probably be in my better interests just to buy a new one for myself... even though I feel really horrible for saying that. :/ Does it sound as selfish as I feel like it does?
Anyway, I'm absolutely and completely jazzed to have Resident Evil 5 back again, though. It's so pretty. And, you know, the gameplay and such is fun, etc. I've raved about it before, so I won't re-elaborate here. No pun intended.
So far, my gripes about playing RE5 with my father:
1) It means I have no life
2) I have to prompt him to share ammo
3) Somehow, on my own console with my own game, I AM STILL PLAYER 2. What. The. Fuck. [The more I think about this, the more it pisses me off.]
I'm picking up the ropes again, pretty fast, though, and my father makes good bait.
I maintain that Foamy and I make the best team on RE5, after a little warmup. It's so awesome to have a tagteam thing going. I'm probably going to be dragging friends over all the time to play with me. XD;
I also bought Bioshock, but Viper loved playing it so much I'm like, bah, go ahead and borrow it for a bit. In return, she loaned me Beautiful Katamari and Dead Rising, both of which I'm looking forward to trying.
Anyway, I went to see the new Miyazaki movie, Ponyo, on... Thursday?
It was adorable! X3 It really was-- the colors were vibrant, I loved the character, and it was just... so, so amazing. I loved it, and highly recommend it.
I mean, normally, I'm one of those douches who sit there and think "sooo, how did they achieve that effect...?" But for Ponyo, I didn't even think once about production. It was absorbing, and sweet, and a really nice departure from most of the movies in theaters today. Really darling. X3
The movie theater we went to to see it was in a really big mall, and they had a two-story B&N, so, naturally, I blew a lot of money. XD; I got a new belt buckle with the Swiss army cross on it, Vol.2 of Otomen, Vol.5 of Venus Versus Virus, and Invincible and Order 66, both Star Wars, and both by Karen Traviss. Which means I finally finished both the Legacy of the Force and Republic Commando series.
I've yet to read either of them, since I still have to finish Revelation from the LotF series, and I'm not really in the SW mood anymore.
Which suuucks...
Sooo. I go back to school Tuesday. Pretty excited about it, though! A little nervous, but not so much.
I still have to finish my SuWriMo, though, which means I'm going to be spending a lot of today writing...
Also, it looks like I might be driving a Chevy Aveo... even though it's black, superhot, and the shifting stick scares me. [It's an automatic, and the thing is tricky, I'm like, "wuuuuut..." ]
Anyway, a lot of stuff's been going on. But I halfway don't feel like talking about it, partially because I'm tired, and partially because I'm lazy.
Can we just leave it that I've been having a good end of the summer? X3;;
Yoinked from
writersbane !
Firstly: If you've been tagged, you must write your answers in your own LJ and replace any question that you dislike with a new, original question.
Secondly: Tag eight people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you.
I tag... anyone who feels like doing this. XD; Nu presshur, as always.
Have you ever lied to a teacher to get out of a deadline?
Sho nuff. Never about important things, I get those on time, but I've been known to lie to get out of little things. I generally make them up, though, so my conscience doesn't chew at me.
What kind of magazines do you read?
I'd read Star Wars Insider if I could, but as of the moment, I stick to GameInformer. It makes me lulz.
What's your occupation?
Mooching high school senior. Shhhh, don't tell anyone, they always think I'm older.
What's really creepy?
Any space underneath beds that you can't see into. I never grew out of that.
Who is your celebrity crush?
Val Kilmer. o /// o He's ridiculously photogenic.
What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
Devil May Cry, Resident Evil, and trying to struggle back into Star Wars.
What are you listening to right now?
"Another Morning" - the pillows
What are you most excited for?
At the moment, it's a tie between finally having my Sexbox and going back to school.
What websites do you always visit when you go online?
Gmail, LiveJournal, Gaia, and recently Solia. Wikipedia usually ends up in there, somewhere, and maybe Lunaescence or FF.net if I'm bored.
What was the last thing you bought?
Ummmm... 1 official Xbox 360 controller, a crappy wired Gamestop one, Bioshock, and Resident Evil 5. Yaaaaay!
What was the cutest thing you've seen today?
Welllll, don't tell anyone, but it was Sterin's Chihuahua. It's still an alien, though.
Does the weather affect your mood?
Only in long-term patterns. The winter is a horribly depressing and unhappy time for me, which I'm determined to change!
What is your zodiac sign?
Libra. Means I'm SEXEH.
Do you want to learn another language?
Currently gnawing on French and Mando'a. One's made up. ;D
5 things you can't live without:
Fingers, Chinese dumplings, the interwebz, my friends, and pretty cutscenes. <-LIFEBLOOD
Do you have any siblings?
I ate them. I don't deal with competition well.
What's something you'd like to say to someone right now?
Why did you make me take off my glasses? I look BAD without my glasses. That was a waste of a photo. This was stupid. I'm not impressed. I look awful. And I'm blaming YOU, because I'm insecure and VAIN. SUCK IT, THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT!
Do you have to pee?
Well, if I didn't before you asked, I do now. D<
Say something to the person who tagged you:
In Soviet Russia, porn fap to YOU! ;D
Anyway... school's coming up, I'm excited about my new gaming console, and the world seems to be turning at a comfortable pace.
Hope everyone's doing well! :D