How am I still *alive*...?

Aug 16, 2009 19:56

Wow! Been forever since I updated.

I've been ridiculously busy with... people stuff? I spent the night at Foamy's on Friday's, stayed up talking about random stuff-- including boys, sex, the mainstream media, and how much we kick ass-- until four in the morning. Then, Saturday afternoon, I went home for maybe three hours, almost threw up because of a sudden aversion to steamed shrimp, and took off for a garage metal concert that night. And then I went over to Sterin's and we watched "Felidae"* while I drew her Roxas-topping-Axel shounen ai and gave her Chihuahua the fish-eye. In the morning *cough* noon *cough*, we walked through the fire and flames downtown to Dairy Queen, and ate a burger there. And then we went back to her house and watched the back end of Jumanji until I staggered home.

A-ny-way, now, there's not much going on. This week, I plan to go to bed waaaay earlier, so I'll be able to adjust to the school schedule a little better. I also have to finish 2 more AP art pieces, which is probably something I should be panicking about. XD;; But I figure I'll finish the piece I started on Friday, and then breeze through the next one. Not worried.

Felidae Footnote * 1994 German cult classic animated movie... "Felidae" Yeah, no joke, that movie SCARED me.
Not as much as Half Life scares me, but it was creepy, and disturbing. I have become exceptionally over-protective of my cat, now. Seriously, it's... it's a good mystery, as Sterin points out, but it's unequivocally strange and more than slightly upsetting. Sort of the same vein as the "Watership Down" movie-- which, if you have seen the version I'm thinking of, you KNOW the horror.

But, yeah, I started playing Half Life the other day, before the weekend, and it was like "OMGWTFHEADCRABZZZ"
Something about it scares me silly. o _ o;;
But it did inspire me to get a bunch of mp3's of GLaDOS quotes. Which are priceless.
And we also looked at some Half Life machinima on YouTube at Foamy's, including Half Life: Full Life Consequences, and it's ilk. oh my god epic fffff

Also, a quick Rant Pony ride:
You know how I love the idea of inheriting the blue truck, which I know how to drive, enjoy driving, and am generally pretty good at driving?
Yeaaaah, I was laughed at for asking to inherit it.
Instead, I test-drove a "champagne-colored" Ford Taurus. It's brakes are mushy, and there's some stuff that needs to be done to it's tires, and we think there's a gas leak. I could get used to driving it pretty quickly, but I don't want to end up with a car that's in the shop more than the driveway.
I dunno.
But the fact that school starts next week and I has no car = not cool.

Uhn, interesting thing: on Saturday, before I went home, we dropped off Foamy at our friend Dylan's house, where his parents were hosting an interwebz party for a bunch of regulars they know from a site they run.
And, believe it or not, the co-creator of 4chan was there.
I wanted to get a picture of me punching his passed-out face for Deo-tan, but I was too tired to brave the horror of a trashed house full of unconscious drunks.

Sometime this week, I should hopefully be going to see the new Miyazaki movie with friends. And then, I want to see District 9 with another friend in particular, since he's a sci-fi fan and he's doing me a big favor.

I've been really busy, but I don't have much to talk about, seems like. XD;; That'll probably change once I start eating the right way again, and actually sleeping at reasonable times.

Buuut, as it stands, I'm two days behind on my SuWriMo, and catching up is going to be painful.

In any case, I hope the f-list is doing well, and enjoying their summer. :3

[P.S. No one wants fanfiction from me? D': I must need moar practiss.
/last post ref]

super tired, writer's block, half life, summer, tired, scary, partied out

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