Well! Two movies in two days-- I feel significantly poorer and only slightly stupider for it.
Tuesday I went to see the new Star Trek movie with my mother-- I liked the fact that the actors actually looked like the original cast. The writing was good, the music didn't stand out in a bad way, but what got to me were the lens flares.
o _ o;
I mean, you could not go five seconds without a lens flaring.
I... sort of liked it, on one hand, but then again, it was sort of nuts, too. Who's lens's flare that much?!
[I also love how Spock gets more mouth action in a two hour movie than he does in, like, the entire series. XD ]
And then Wednesday, I hung out a bit with Viper and went to see the new Transformers movie.
I haven't seen the first one, but I still thought this one was kinda cool. A lot of the action was unintelligible, though-- just a bunch of grinding parts, some sparks, more parts, something explodes, we see Shia LeBidoof looking scared, more parts, yada yada yada, more parts, more sparks, and something else blows up.
I will admit to absolutely loving seeing him scream like a girl. Like a girl, my friends.
But it was good. I think I might want the soundtrack. The animation was, like, for serious amazing. On par with Star Trek's, easily, they were both spectacular, but the Autobots/Decepticons were freakishly amazing in their detail. o _ o;; Talk about mecha...
There was a slight awkwardness when I ran into The Ex outside the theater, since he was going to see the next showing, and Viper was in the little maniac's room. We were supposed to get together and watch the first Transformers movie before going to see the new one, but I honestly have no guilt for seeing it with Viper first. [He blew off hanging out with me to go have mildly sexual relations with some girl, and while that doesn't bother me, it gives me all the room in the world to blow him off even more than I do already. Fff. You think he'd've learned by now. D< ]
Viper was also clearing out her PS2 games, in sort of an annual "get rid of the good games I buy and sort of enjoyed but just can't see myself playing" thing. All I know is that I'm giving her Bioshock when she gets back from her trip to her grandparent's, and that she gave me Half-Life, Dawn of Mana, and Rachet & Clank. I'm excited about trying all three of them, but I'm currently playing the first Prince of Persia game. [Yes, finally, I know, I'm a sinner for having waited this long-- but you have to realize, I say this all the time: I'm both poor, and late to every party.]
It's strange to play a platformer that isn't Tomb Radier. o _ o;; I keep thinking "but where's the ass?" But I think I should be getting one of the new Tomb Raider iterations pretty soon, though, because my mother is actually a big fan of those games, and she likes watching them being played.
And it's official: I'm a-savin' for an Ecksbocks. D: I think I've got close to fifty dollars at the moment, but just thinking about that makes me sad. By the time I have enough money for a 360, there'll probably be a 720, muttermuttermutter
Oh-- gaming question about Dawn of Mana, so I don't know how many people will have ever heard of it, let alone played it... o _ o;; But, anyway.
When you're at the opening screen, you know, with the "continue" and the "options" and the "load data" and all that jazz, what's the piano song playing in the background? It's so beautiful, it's driving me nuts not knowing what it's called. [Or having it on my iPod.]
But, yeah. I'm not super-far into the game itself yet, but I like how it gets simplistic after a while. The bright colors are fun, too, and the music is absolutely gorgeous. Highly recommend the OST.
I also think I'm going to try and reserve a copy of DJ Hero at the local GameStop. P: I figure, if I reserve a copy, and put the money away right now, when it comes out I'll be like "oh, man, I want that game-- O WAIT <3333"
In other news, I'm sorry for being such a deadhead here on LJ. D: I've been meaning to update more, but things have recently become sort of bizarre-- my mother takes a trip out to CA each year, but this year she worked herself into so much stress, she gave herself a cold. <-voice of experience
So I've had to pick up the slack around the house, which is why I haven't had much time to sit down and write an interesting post, not that this is horribly interesting anyway. I don't really mind taking care of chores and stuff, since that's what I do when she's in CA, but I don't like being home with just her and me, when she's sick. [Dad should be coming back from his motorcycle trip tomorrow morning.]
And she was all worried about one of us getting sick while she was gone...
I don't know. I'm kind of worried, but I know it's just paranoid fear. I'd feel better if she'd eat something, or maybe show some interest in food other than Jell-O (which, by the way, I discovered I can make! :D ) but then I think of when I'm sick, and I never feel like eating anything other than peaches. [Come to it, we have peach Jell-O... hmmm...] It's weird, because I can sympathize with being sick and just not wanting to do anything or eat anything, but that doesn't make me any less nervous. :/
Didn't help that one of our neighbors called this morning and sounded like the world was ending and offered to get us anything we needed from the store. That rattled me.
[We're running low on practically everything, and this is why I need my graduated license with a frickin' car that has frickin' insurance so I can frickin' drive it to go buy some frickin' food! D8< ]
She's going to try and reschedule her trip for after I go back to school, which I think is what she did last year, although last year was by choice.
I dunno. I'm a bit nervous, but maybe it's best not to think about it too much. I don't need to get sick, too!
Yoinked from
okami_no_yume .
☛ The steady.
Prrrrrrobably Devil May Cry. > _ >;; And no one is surprised.
☛ The old flame you don't see very often any more but whom you still really enjoy getting together with for a few drinks and maybe a pleasant nostalgic romp in the sheets.
Naruto. It keeps getting easier and easier to write and not be sucky about it, but on the other hand, I haven't read it in about six or seven months. So, most likely, every character I love is dead and replaced by clones of Itachi and new characters I can't force myself to give a shit about.
. _ .
☛ The one who seduced you and fucked you over and broke your heart in a million pieces and laughed about it.
Gunslinger Girl. The manga had so much promise... ; _ ; AND THE ANIME WAS SO BLEH
☛ The mysterious dark gothy one whom you used to sit up with talking until 3 a.m. at weird coffee houses and with whom you were quite smitten until you realized he really was fucking crazy.
Paranoia Agent, easily. I keep wanting to think I have a handle on it, but then I take a long look at it, and realize that I probably never will. o _ o;
☛ The one you spent a whole weekend in bed with and who drank up all your liquor, and whom you'd still really like to fuck again although you're relieved he doesn't actually live in town.
Samurai Champloo. Excellent anime, but if it had gone on for too long, the charm / originality would have worn off. The same could be said of FLCL.
☛ The alluring stranger whom you've flirted with at parties but have never gotten really serious with.
Metal Gear Solid series. I want to, bad. But my stealth abilities are "teh lack." :'/
B-But I want Otacooooon... ; _ ;
☛ The one you hang out with and have vague fantasies about maybe having a thing with but ultimately you're just good buddies 'cause the friendship is there but the chemistry ain't.
Full Metal Alchemist. o: I wish so badly I could do more than watch and worship, but something about it just defeats me. All I can do is stand there, and kind of half-heartedly think to myself that Alfons from the movie is sexy.
☛ The one your friends keep introducing you to and who seems like a hell of a cool guy except it's never really gone anywhere.
Shadow Hearts. I have two friends into it, and it looks like it's frickin' awesome, but I just can't get into it. I wish I could, though.
☛ The one who's slept with all your friends, and you keep looking at him and thinking, "Him? How the hell did he land all these cool babes?"
I do not understand the world's fascination with Phoenix Wright, but I'm not going to pass judgement on it until I've played it for myself. I mean, it looks like it's made of win, buuut... I just don't know...
☛ The one your friend has fallen for like a ton of bricks and whom she keeps babbling to you about on the phone for hours, and you'd be happy for her except you just know it's going to end badly.
Legend of Zelda, easily. D: Viper will never, ever shut up about it. EVER. I realize the games are fantastic, it's a rich storyline, the music is epic, Link is a hero, and so on and so forth, but it's just not my thing. D:
Actually, knowing her, it'll never end badly. It'll never end at all. She'll bury herself with the cartridge from Link to the Past or something.
☛ The ones you repeatedly cheat on your steady with.
Final Fantasy VII, Resident Evil, Pokemon, and .hack//GU, among others.
But it's Devil May Cry, so it doesn't care. XD
I should be using this summer time to catch up on my SuWriMo. I think I'm about 500 words behind on a later entry. D:
And I'm working on another mini-part of Decline, now that everyone's probably forgotten all about it because I haven't updated it in so long...
I had some strange dreams, though, last night?
One was sort of a Narnia/Golden Compass thing involving a little girl doll and a little boy doll and some mission they were given by the store they were sold in to get this little white cat and this little white dog to Narnia or something. But the dolls were a bit slow at first, so all the other dolls in the store made fun of them, and the little dog kept making trouble... I remember when Aslan appeared, I heard myself go "yay, Aslan!" out loud. XD;;
The other was me getting this DVD in the mail from this college that apparently all the seniors at my school had decided to go to. And The Ex was still in his graduation getup, and he was all like "hey, let me show you what's cool about this campus, blah blah blah," and there was a spinning table with Batman decals all over it... (I think the spinning table thing was from Dawn of Mana, actually.) In any case, I ended up in a college with all the same people in my grade from high school in it, and I was really confused the whole time, since I'm never on top of anything in my dreams.
What stood out to me the most was that after the school had shut down and everyone had gone to sleep, I was stuck in this huge underground cavern, underneath the school. There were all these stairs and windows and plateaus, and I was left with the distinct impression I was supposed to be fighting demons. It was some kind of contest, and I had, like, superpowers and all that jazz... but once I had killed everything in sight, I was really tired, and this 'referee voice' was sort of like "hey, just FYI, you're going to have to fight Dante one day," and I was like "aha, you're fricking nuts, buddy D8 " and tried to leave. Once I got back to the dorms, I kept thinking This feels like Persona 3...
I woke up talking to someone, but I don't remember who or what about.
= _ =;
A-ny-way, I've gotta go do laundry, maybe sit down and refigure out .hack//GU's gameplay... but definitely work on Decline. Expect some kind of an update soon.
I hope everyone's summer is going well! :D
Link D8
I can't believe he's dead.
It's insane. Even the 700 Club is running a thing about it.
I just... whoa. I heard about it last night, but it still hasn't really sunk in. I'm not a huge fan, or anything, but he's just always sort of been there, you know?
It's too bad.
Nothing compared to when Bernie Mac died last year, but still... strange. And sad.
And he was about to turn fifty-ish, too, which makes this extremely sad. That's still way young, in my book.
Ah, well. There's not much you can do, but at least he left behind a legacy of good music. And, you know, scandal, but that seems petty to bring up at the moment.