Sunday's Almost Over

Apr 05, 2009 17:17

I can't believe it, but the trees are actually starting to look green again. If I could get off my butt for a minute and find the frickin' camera, I could take a picture of them. [And my awesome delicate panties, don't think I forgot about those. They SHALL be exposed to the interwebz!]

Oh, and BIG FAT ICON UPDATE OF TOO MUCH FREE TIME See what Skies did in place of chemistry work! :D
+ Kingdom Hearts (2)
+ Tujiki Nao (3)
+ Devil May Cry (3)
+ Resident Evil (9) Mostly Wesker + 1 Sheva. oh bby
+ Other (4) (1 DOLL, 2 Full Metal Alchemist, plus 1 anxious girl)
I also replaced two of my userpics. If only I could pay online, I'd probably get an advanced LJ account, simply for the userpics. o _ o;; When I joined, I was like "bah! who'd need so many userpics I mean sheesh?"
O the folly of the LJ noob. XD;

On a more solemn note, I believe my iPod is dead.
It refuses to restart, and the computer won't recognize it, even a little. D:
I've only had it for about a year, but I lead a rough and tumble lifestyle... Aaaagh, this is what I get for ragging on Foamy for washing her iPod! DX< Stupid, stupid, stupid karmic blunder! Should've known better!
Fortunately, the latest version of the Nano is apparently going rather cheaply at our local Wal-Mart, and I'm going after school tomorrow to get a new one, among a few other things.
I feel like a shallow American consumer, but it's not as if I'm forcing my parents to buy it for me. :P I'm going to use my own money, so I feel a little better about it. It's not like I went, "Mommy, Daddy, my iPod broke and I want a new one NOW! D8<" I can't recall ever throwing a tantrum over wanting some material. o _ o;;
And I don't use my iPod just for tuning them out listening to music, I use it to record my French work, and I'm already running late on a speaking assignment. D:
I'm not a selfish child! D'X

Yech. I've got school work to do, and some ideas I want to scribble down, so I'd better wrap this up kinda quick.

On a bright side, Resident Evil Fanfiction Idea #A would give me lots of good excuses to replay Call of Duty 4! Mmmm, CoD4.
Resident Evil Fanfiction Idea #B just requires tons of research. :P I mean, nothing I won't enjoy looking up, but webcrawling is mostly less fun than running around and blowing crap up. "GRENADA!"
Decline doesn't show much of the research I did for it... which is less than I've done for fics in the past, but still enough that I wish it showed. It was more story-orientated planning than information collecting, which won't really be the case with either of those RE ideas. XD [I mean, tons of story-outlining, but the info will be a big part, too.]

Other than whining about my writing, my weekend has been very relaxing, in all honesty. Sitting around, reading in the sun, walking about outside in nice weather, making icons like there's no tomorrow... Only today did I really get in some actual work on some of my homework, and I've still got more than a few bits left to do. I feel like I didn't get much done, but it was nice not to have to be motivated. Just lazing around is pretty nice.

Also, Boston Legal is much too addictive to be good for me. o _ o;;

Oof, what am I doing? XD;; I said, like, three paragraphs ago I had to go and do chemistry.

Ciao for now!


icons, ipod, spring

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