Aug 18, 2004 13:43
I've printed out way too many resumes. Most of them are not going to be used. They have left out information or were printed on bad paper. I have about 50 that I can use. I will be handing them out tonight. I need a job badly. This one won't last long.
I've been doing my research on digital cameras and I'm getting frustrated and anxious. Bad mix.
Could be all the caffiene running through my system today.
Should I run outside for a smoke?
I realized that my deviant art name is not what I wanted it to be. I spelt it wrong and I didn't even notice. ARGH! Now the name has no meaning.
I guess people can think that I want to be a nun. Which is not true at all.
I'm all alone in my office :(
So I went to the library last night and got discouraged. How the hell am I suppose to find what I'm looking for in a place so big? I should just get a job at chapters. I found some new erotica that I would like to purchase.
I told them to ask her. I have to talk to her about it first. Hopefully he'll say yes to her and toss the camera this way. He trusts her I'm sure. I have so many ideas that I would like to get out. I want to know if I have any talent. I doubt I do, but it would be nice to know for sure.
I actually can't wait to go back to that shit-hole Glebe. It'll feel great to get it over with. Maybe I can amuse myself while I'm there.
I just put two and two together. I didn't know that J.G.'s Anna was MY Anna. Interesting. Somehow I didn't think about it before when they both mentioned eachother.....idiot.
So there will be a cottage party this Sunday and I took the Monday off so I could go. It sucks cause it means less money gained and more money spent but I think it will be worth it. Only if He goes.
I have a few places in mind to drop off resumes. I really hope these places call me back. There is one place I'm very excited about. The owner is a little creepy, but when I was in there yesterday I was getting light-headed because everything was so beautiful.
I need to spoil myself!!! And to spoil Him!!
Should I steal a break?