Oct 06, 2010 01:57
So I was just putting the bin out (be it later than normal), and a police car rushes from round the corner and puts a spotlight on me. A voice from the car asks me what i'm doing and where I live. "I live there." I said to the voice, pointing to the house what i'm standing in front of. "Come here please", "Are those your house keys" says a little man in his big car - pointing at the headphones I had just taken out of my ears... No, they're my headphones. He says some stuff on his walkie talkie. "Which ones your car?" I point to the car i'm stood right next to. "What's your name?" I say my name. More talking over the phone. He says the wrong make of my car, I correct him. He says thanks. Though he doesn't use the number plate - just the make and model and name of the road (he's a silly billy because the house opposite has the same car). But he says it's ok and thanks for my time. I ask if he knows if that's the right bin to put out this week. He ignores me. As I walk off he calls me back. "I can give you a piece of paper to show we've stopped you" - "No you're alright". I then heard a strange noise coming from the car, not the man but a sort of witch laughing noise. Then I see an even smaller woman in the seat next to him... they drive off slowly.
God bless x
i'm tired,
my criminal past catches up with me,
the filth