Nov 18, 2010 21:00
Jus' discovered these journals but I was wonderin' 'bout a few things. Can any o' the professors read these? I dun wanna go off writin' 'bout me pets then find myself in trouble again. It was bad enough last week when they found Mort, me billywig. O' course, only after the poor bloke stung the charms professor. Professor started floatin' an' laughin' so I thought all was good. Turned out it wasn't...but Mort got away at least.
Oh, ye migh' be wonderin' what billywigs are. They come from Australia an' are blue in colour. Only a half-inch long too. The poor little blokes are used mainly fer their stingers which 'ave giddiness an' levitation properties. Even a small little sting from them can cause hours o' laughin' an' levitatin'.
I was also wonderin' if they saw jus' cause the professors have been houndin' me about me grammar an' spellin'. I didn't think it was that bad but they seem ter think it is. Is my spellin' really that terrible?
hagrid billywig