my awsome weekend as follows...
- friday: i attempted to finish all my homework.
- friday: i saw a old friend & we hung out: tehee: that was alot of fun
- saturday: i took my 3rd dance class since break and im sore as all get out! but I saw everyone was there: one of the twins[cassandra/salena?], whitney, whats her name that i dont know how to spell but when everyone saw here they were like = O wtflip! including miss.pam....yea! that was an interesting class.
- saturday: i was suppose to pick up the [Green] nutcracker dvd from ms.fountain, but i didnt get time
- saturday: i went out with some of the dance crew: Ruby Tuesdays @ the mall but b4 that i had to drop a packet off at the post office thingy. Everyone was there: Mr.Darrels dad, dugan twins, adrain, mike steavens, Jarrel, Chris, & some other people from HHS. yea, we dancers know how to get down....including Lauren...= )literally.
- saturday: my lil sister kept me up like almost all night: but luckly some genius invinted a cell fone and from there God gave me a collage boii! haha:jk, so im working off of like 4/5 hours of sleep.
- sunday: went to church and saw my head master of the Karate gym i use to go to and he gave me a hard time because i quite tkd for dance....of COURSE!!! lol
- sunday: i cooked German food for the whole family and i just wanna brag that it came out good!!
My mom suggested that I audition for The Joffrey Ballet!!? and said i could Ballet Magnificat! *OMGA*
- sunday: im already reminising about him
- sunday: i should so be in bed if im expected to stay awake during that assembly tomorrow.
there ya go: the highlights of my weekend. 0h i forgot to say i waited all saturday evening for my new jeans to be delievered to the house so i could wear them out and they ended up not coming in yet. haha: i felt the need to express my fashion delima! well RPT. Cards should be here tuesday? yippee.
and Liz0bethr0: how many days till we leave for new york[l0l] like 39? i honestly forgot.
peace, love, men baby! = )