Nov 27, 2005 22:50
well since mrs.Erin Little is so curious about my life, im only here by request-l0l-jk!
ive been so busy with dance, school, family, NUTCRACKER, and everything else that I cant think of right now. So heres a quicky for because im tired.
-NUTCRACKER DEC. 10TH: you better be there! $10 dolla's a ticket & come to the 2:30 showing!
+ Thanksgiving was great: i ate tons plus some for Lauren! The Turkey Micster!
-Caitlin & me took Chave' out on Wed. for her belated sweet 16th! We had so much fun: Thats the night I knew i was in love...AGAIN! Chave' did some pole dance and Kate and me tryed to 'buggie-oggie' to the sound of pure excitment*sigh*THAT WAS THE BEST NIGHT IVE HAD IN A L00NG TIME: i deserved it!
+ Saturday Caitlin, Carolyn, and Me went to Mer's surprise barn party! It was so much fun! Kristen kept getting attacked by Tess [the 5yr. old horse] and Carolyn were practically crying it was so funnie! It was really dark and me & Carolyne walked back to the house[ the barn and stuff was a little wayz back from her actually house] and we were goofing off walking back to the 'ranch' and we heard something so we started running and then i was like "AH! THIS IS LIKE THE VILLAGE.....CAROLINE!! YOUR WEARING RED!!" [following this being said...*SCREAMS!*] Everyone was like whats wrong!! It was halerious! We roosted Hotdogs and smores and stuff...but Caroline and I had to properly sterilize our sticks before leting our food touch a nasty stick like that! and then she droped mine!! After that we all went to Panera to hang out.
-The l0ng break we had was VERY enjoyable...i dont regret sleeping in each and everyday! too bad its over...0-well, we only have 3 weeks left till Christmas Break!
+Today I started working on my home-made gifts: they look really nicE! i cant wait to give the snow princess/queen's there gift!!
-me and Liz are wAy past ready for the New York trip in Febuarary! 0h: let me know if ur still staying over this saturday! [ada girls: shori and i made plans for after practice if you can come hopefully]
+I think me and my dad have finally meet 'some' middle growned...i guess
-me and my mom talked about worrying cause im not certain as to where exactly i wanna go....just up north.
~well this is getting long: happy holidays! <33 muah!
[ada senior jazz ensumble girls: i have news about the costumes and surprising Cheri this saturday.....ASK ME OR KELLY ASAP!]