"Its all fun and games till Bush was re-elected" -Ashton Kutcher

Oct 30, 2005 18:41

[ that subject title was just for you Angela! lol]
ok uh i gotta study but here you go:

* Nutcracker is in 41 dayz: thanks Lauren! hahaha!

- November SIXETEENTH is our fall dance performances! Come see me and Lauren that night! ask me for details if you wanna come!*YOU KNOW YOU WANNA!

* I have strept in my dag-gum limpnoids ( Yes i kno i spelled that wrong!-lol-but by now you should know that askin me how to spell is like asking a atheist about Jesus) wOw...i take that back-I got that from Mr.Wilhite*forgive me!

-I get to wake up late tomorrow to go to the doc. tho! WHOO-HOO!

*Since I was sick this morning, me & mi madre stayed home while everyone else went to church, we watched 'One Last Dance'....It was AWSOME, ok mab not that awsome but the dancing was fabulous and the last piece called 'Without a Word" was GORGOUS! so anyone that loves dance movies as much as me: WATCH IT!

- 0h! when my dad saw my garder that im wearing with fishnet tights for the 'fever' dance at skol he was like what the BLEEEEP does she need that for?!! He// she dont gotta use that! i was like uhhh if your freaking over my costume then u DEFINETLY DONT need to see my dance so yea: ima work on that. lol!

*My aunt and the family is coming from Cali. this week! They'll be here friday!

-uhhhhh i gotta study: I know i left some stuff out but yea: you " will survive!"

*oh: howd waltz of the flowers go you guys? :D did mrs.Pam say n/e thing about me leaving early? sorry laura, that was the last time! thanks though!


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