Nov 30, 2004 20:21
So I just got back from working on my final project for my seminar. It's really great to see all the information in one place, it makes me actually feel like this is going to work.
Anyway, I get back from the library, it's raining and stuff, and there is a IM on my computer. Basically my sister says she saw my last LJ post and she hates me for it. Normally the things that were said to me would be considered vile and horrible things, that could put a person to tears. Needless to say the only thing I have cried about in the last year was Finding Neverland. I know Sarah will read this and only get more mad, leading to more angry IMs, but I don't care. Sarah, I live with you for over 18 years, over that time I've put up with plenty of your crap, I'm used to it, and I don't care. Do you love me? If I were hit by a car how would you take it? Would you just go call someone or yell at mom and dad? Would you snicker and say it was my own fault? Would you care?
In my last post I wasn't saying that I hated my sister, I love her. It's tough love, but I do care for her. If anything what I said should have been looked at as something to be improved. It's not entirely my fault my break wasn't as great as I wanted it to be, and it isn't entirely my parents or my sister's faults. We all share the blame for a lousy few days. I guess what I am saying is that for everything to be a lot better, all we need to do is put a little more effort into helping eachother, rather than only ourselves. Being a family is not a competition, who cares who has more of what, who cares what chores you have to do, who cares? Not me. What we need to do is really be grateful for what we have going for us. Its not to late to show how much we love eachother, and now is a good time to start, the holidays are ahead, including New Year's and mom and dad's anniversary. We won't be seeing much of eachother anymore, and what time we have together I want to be as good as it can. I can't do this alone, I am going to need some help from a sister.