Have you ever listened to a song that you liked, but didn't know exactly what it meant?
Well hypothetically how would you feel if you found out the song was a little depraved, though also kind of funny at the same time?
You don't know? Well think about it damnit!
Really? Sure,I guess you could.
Ok, that's a little more wrong than I had thought...
Ohhh chair, I thought you said something else.
Anyway back to me, since I'm the really important person and telling the story. So anyway I have been listening to the newest Rammstein album "Reise, Reise" (Travel, Travel), and there is a song on it called "Mein Teil" (My part) and I found out it was inspired by something that I will make you read for yourself.
I know I can't actually make you, but I think you'll do it anyway.
Yes you may not do it just to spite me, but then you wan't know what the song is about.
Here you are
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mein_Teil Yeah, kinda uncool.