Jan 22, 2005 21:04
Back at school. Its been about a day now. It feels a little odd honstly. First semester is over and I guess after being home for over a month coming back doesn't feel right. unpacking took maybe 2 hours and as I was doing it, something was bothering me that I can't put my finger on. I guess it could have something to do with my all nighter last night hanging with Luke, playing games and stuff. Currently hanging with Mike, which is soem time I enjoy, we haven't even started the 2nd semester and I am already startign to miss him. Kinda funny really, I was kinda scared to have him as a roommate, but we have gotten along so well. Bah, I'm making myself feel bad. Maybe its from leaving my family in Bal'mer without a real goodbye. I guess I can't really explain it, whatever.
I am looking forward to my classes though, this should be a good semester.