Prompt: 70 - Bloom

Sep 11, 2010 21:49

Title:  John Walked Mary Home
Author:  my_sam_dean
Fandom:  Supernatural
Pairing:  John/Mary
Rating:  PG-13
Prompt:  70 - blossom
Notes/Warnings:  Preseries.  John and Mary's first kiss.

John was being a good boyfriend when he walked Mary home from school and carried her books for her. It didn't matter that Bobby had laughed at the way he'd jump to attention any time Mary needed something. Still, he could ignore Bobby. Mary was his life. Or, at least, he hoped she would be.

"Would you like to come in for lemonade?"

Deep in his thoughts, John hadn't noticed they'd made it to her house yet. "Sure."

She unlocked the creaky door and he followed her down the hall to the kitchen.

"Have a seat," Mary gestured to the table as she grabbed the glasses and poured the drinks. "So, what did you think of Mr. Olson's lecture today?"

"Today?" He couldn't admit that he's spent the whole class daydreaming about her and watching her from across the room. That made him sound like a crazy stalker or something.


"I - um -" he stammered.

"You didn't hear a word he said, did you?"

He looked at her smiling face and knew that she'd already found him out. "Not so much."

"Not so much? How do you expect to pass the class?"

John shrugged. "Maybe I'll just get you to give me all the answers."

She gave a fake gasp. "And what makes you think I'd do that?"

"Just a feeling."

"Feeling, huh? You might need a little more than that." She smiled sweetly as she took another sip.

"Tickle torture is always another possibility." He reached out and grabbed her. She was off balance and toppled onto his lap.

Their positions took them by surprise for a moment. Then, since their faces were already only inches away, John closed the gap and kissed her.

"Is this okay?" he was out of breath.

"Yeah. My folks aren't home."

With those magic words, a few kisses slid into making out territory. Preoccupied with each other, they didn't hear the car pull into the drive. It was the noise of the front door opening that alerted them to her mother's arrival.

They jumped apart and fixed their clothes as quickly as they could. When Mary's mom called for her, she replied that she and John were in the kitchen.

"Hello, John," she greeted him as if he wasn't groping her daughter just a moment before. Were parents really that clueless or was it some kind of denial?

"Hi, Mrs. Campbell."

"You're so formal, John. Call me Deanna. You need to loosen up a little. We've met before."

John was uncomfortable and replied with a nod. "Deanna. Got it."

"I'm going into the study. Did you kids need anything?"

"We have lemonade, Mom." Mary rolled her eyes.

"Offer him some of the cookies from the cupboard. Growing boys are constantly hungry, or so I hear." Unaware of what she'd walked in on, Deanna passed back down the hall without a second thought.

"That was close." Mary whispered when her mom was out of sight.

"Thank God for that creaky door."

John kept a respectable distance from Mary for the rest of their visit. Little did he know, her dad planned to oil the door that weekend and when he walked her home next, they wouldn't have the warning.

claim - my_sam_dean: supernatural, table: 100 prompts for thought

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