Prompt 39 - Restraint

Jul 12, 2010 15:41

Title:  My Life With the Winchesters, Part 14
Author:  my_sam_dean
Characters:  Sam, Dean, OFC
Rating:  R
Prompt 39 - Restraint
Warning:  snarky Dean
Disclaimer:  I don't own anything Supernatural.  I do own Nora.
Summary:  Dean reacts strangely to an accident.  Sam tries to expalin it to Nora.

I saw more the country than I'd ever dreamed I would. I quickly grew accustomed to the road and shady motel rooms. All that remained the same was the guys in my life. They were all I needed.

Dean's table manners didn't get any better. He was too enthusiastic when he was eating and telling a story. I quickly learned not to look in his direction when food was involved.

Long words flew out of Sam's mouth and right over my head. The three of us would stare at him until he spoke in plain English. I added more to my vocabulary as a result. Dean gained new material to tease Sam about. John remained two steps ahead of wherever we were. He was neutral toward Sam's smarts.

I graduated to wearing rugged boots and threw on any one of the guys' shirts if I needed another layer. I wasn't allowed on hunts and I didn't want to go in the first place. I was, however, able to help with some of reading and took over writing in the journal. After hearing them argue over an entry that was illegible (It was written with a bum hand), I ended it by declaring myself the secretary of the group. Everyone could read what I wrote and I wasn't injured as often as they were. I was always a clumsy girl, and kept up with my usual rate of accidents.

"How do you fall over something that isn't there?" Dean apparently thought I'd lost my hearing in my tumble to the ground.

"What?" I snapped.

Sam tried to warn his brother. "Dean . . ."

"How do you do it? I'm just wondering."

"Would you be asking the same thing if it was Sam or John?"

He had the decency to look away but still said under his breath, "They wouldn't have tripped."

"Get your hands off me!" I yelled as I slapped at his hands when he reached to steady my stance. "I don't need your damn help!"

"Nora, you're not helping yourself--"

Standing just to my side, Sam watched wordlessly. He'd fought with Dean but had never seen anyone else do the same.

"Leave!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, furious at myself for lacking grace and Dean for making an issue out of it.

He raised his hands and stepped away before turning to stalk back to the car. I could feel Sam's presence behind me and slumped into his arms.

"I wasn't looking in your direction when you fell. How hurt are you?"

"How could he be like that?" Angry tears pushed their way though. "Have I just not noticed what an ass he is?"

Sam tilted his head to the side, considering what he wanted to say before he spoke. "Dean's scared of people being taken from him. Once he realized you weren't dying, he moved on to berating himself for 'letting' you stumble."

"Letting me? I didn't ask for his permission to fall flat on the ground."

"You didn't have to. He just takes on responsibility for those he loves." Sam adjusted his hold on me. "Ready to head to the car?"

"What do I say to Dean when I get there?"

"Damned if I know. That's something between the two of you. I'm not getting in the middle."

"Chicken!" I teased.

"Yep. And I'm not afraid to admit it."

claim - my_sam_dean: supernatural, table: 100 prompts for thought

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