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Jan 18, 2008 22:03

Oh geez was Cloverfield awesome or what. Ughhh. More on that in a second.

First, Jess sat me down and made me watch the first episode of Honey and Clover. I was meaning to watch it when I finished re-watching ZOIDS, but I didn't really have a choice. As it turns out, it was heart-wrenching and funny at the same time. :( So now, I am obligated to follow it as it airs. Curse you, Jess!!

Ahhhhh Cloverfield was amazing. I'm gonna try to make this as coherent as possible but all I can think about is how badly I wanna see it again. Of course, mileage will vary. Britt hated it, apparently, as did a fellow Nintendork. I'm going to assume that's because they went into the movie thinking it was about the monster.
For anyone who is going to see Cloverfield, or even remotely wants to: it is not about the monster. Does it have a monster in it? Most definitely. But the movie follows a group of 20-somethings on their quest to save a friend and survive. It is about the people in the buildings the monster attacks, the people running away on the streets. You will not hear the origin of the monster, nor will you really even find out what it is. There is no scientist or political figure to serve you information and backstory on a silver platter. You end up knowing just as much as the people being attacked, which in the end is nothing at all.

Yeah, I'm still running on hype, so I won't be very critical of the movie. There are a couple flaws, obviously, but they don't bother me so I'll just mention them here and then move on. The shaky cam may make some people sick, the acting is subpar, the logic is a little faulty, and the timeframe contradicts most (if not all) the information given to the players of the ARG.
Buuut none of that bothers me. I don't get motion sickness so the only affect the shaky cam had was irritate me slightly. I like knowing what's going on at all times, and shaky cam definitely gets in the way of that.
So, there's really no action until about 30 minutes into the movie. It felt a little drawn out to me, but I suppose it was necessary to set up the history of Rob and Beth so you're able to connect with them in the remainder of the movie. Granted it didn't really work on me. Beth seemed like kind of a bitch so I didn't agree with Rob's desperation to go save her, but I guess if he left her then it wouldn't make much of a movie. It also seems much more my style to get the hell out of there and save my own skin, but who knows how I'd really act in a situation like that.
I was adequately scared, too. Had butterflies in my stomach the whole time, was cowering in my seat. Now, I get scared pretty easily, but I'm usually able to dismiss it by disassociating myself with the movie/game/whatever by saying it's not real. Unfortunately, Cloverfield looks very real. I know, it's a giant monster rampaging around New York, how real can it be. The problem is, you see the monster maybe 7 or 8 times, and you never see the whole thing at once. You're always on the ground, running and listening, gathering information peripherally through TV news stations and the like.
And, the ending. I wouldn't call it a twist, but it's not what you'd hope the outcome would be. It's hard to say who did and did not survive. The more optimistic viewers will believe Lily was evacuated safely and that Rob and Beth didn't die. If the whisperings at the end of the credits are to be taken seriously, then maybe Rob did survive. I appreciated the attempt at a full-circle ending though. The movie started with a flashback at 6:42am, and the movie ends at 6:42am.
Which, since I mentioned it, at the very end of the credits, distorted audio can be heard, but no clear words can be made out. By itself it sounds like a very soft "Help us," but when reversed, "It's still alive" is pretty clearly heard. Obviously they expected people to take that audio and reverse it, otherwise it wouldn't be there. What this means, I don't know. I want to say it means a sequel (or simply a movie following another group of people at the same time as this one), because I'd be all over that, but this seems more fit to be a standalone movie. And a funny little side note, the Cloverfield overture is simply titled "Roar!" I hope to acquire the song at some point, as it was pretty epic sounding.
I'd touch on ARG contradictions (there are several), but I haven't been following the ARG actively. The people who have, though, are pretty pissed, even going so far as calling the movie "out of game." Seems a little harsh to me, haha.

All in all I want to see it again, like now. D: Uhm... I'm probably missing a lot in the above. Maybe when I see it again I'll be able to write more, better thoughts. Sorry. xD

Aaaafter the movie, Jess, Angie and I roamed around the mall. We stopped to look at manga (I didn't find anything good, other than a Metal Gear Solid graphic novel, but I didn't have the money to indulge my nerdiness) and then went on to Gamestop, but ended up in Hot Topic to admire the shirts. Why is that the only place that has good videogame shirts? I hate going in there, I feel dirty or something. Anyway, I want the Halo 3 shirt and the Link vs. Darknut[s] shirt and the Cloverfield poster shirt and oh god, so many I didn't have time to admire.
While there, my eyes fell upon a wallet. Not just any wallet, mind you. No, it was a Winged Triforce wallet. The wallet I've wanted for ages, but Hot Topic supposedly didn't carry anymore. And there it was, right before my eyes. ;-;!! I can't even begin to express my love for Angie and my waifu, who donated $12 and $1 to me respectively so I could buy it.
Please admire it. It's gorgeous. I was so freaking ecstatic afterwards, I probably scared them both.

Came home only to read a ~58 page forum thread, wiki article, and reviews on Cloverfield. (Totally not obsessed, nope.) And now, onwards to ZOIDS. (Which, as a side note, have been featured in my last couple of dreams...)

VerusMaya II

game: zelda, movie: cloverfield, jdrama: honey and clover, videogames, real life, movies

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