(no subject)

May 21, 2007 16:42

And so I begin the last week of school...
I played Zookeeper on onemorelevel.com in multimedia, watched Happy Feet in biology, and then watched My Big Fat Greek Wedding in English.
Except, in English, Michael Choy kept bothering me about the SSBB update, so I had to pester Jbond about it. And then Michael Redlinger and I kept laughing at the movie because damn, it's funny. D: But then again I was in a good mood so I was probably bit more easier to amuse than normal.
The bell was about five minutes away from ringing when Michael Redlinger came up behind me and hugged me, saying "Sexual harassment panda~~" I was like :O Remember this is also the guy who asked for my cell phone number.
I think it's also worth noting that Michael resembles Jess' Cory, although Cory is more lanky. They have the same type of hair, and today, Michael had his tied up, which looks a lot better on him.
He half-hugged me again before we left class. :3
In art, I finally finished and printed my winged triforce on my shirt. I ended up just using black ink. It looks so cool, I'm glad it turned out well! Tomorrow I'll have to print the back of the shirt. Pix will be provided when I take it home.
And, conveniently enough, Michael joined us at lunch today. For some reason he had C lunch. XD I joined him and Laurel in getting free ice cream near the junior and senior cafeteria.
In Spanish I played my pokemans. Daniel came up to me and told me to bring my jacket tomorrow (it looks like he's decided to wear it tomorrow instead of Thursday?), and to get to school in the morning (in front of the library where we normally sit). I've been late the last couple of days, since I tend to sleep in and magically wake up at 8:30, so he emphasized the point of me getting there on time. I'm not too confident in my waking up abilities, so I asked what would happen if I wasn't on time. He got that annoyingly cute smirk on his face and said he'd cease talking to me and refuse to acknowledge my existance. I burst out laughing, telling him that's kinda harsh. So yeah, I hafta get to school early and deliver my jacket to him. :O Maybe I should bring my camera...
Anyway, Daniel hijacked my DS and played some pokemans briefly. It seems he downloaded the Diamond rom and has started playing it a bit. Now, I'm all for roms, but it just feels wrong to emulate DS and Wii games. I know it can be done, with the mouse substituting for the touch screen and the motion sensing, but then you destroy the feel and emotion of the game. I just don't like that...
In math I played some card games with Travis and Ryan out in the hallway. Travis kept trying to teach us these games I've never heard of. He got mad at me since I hadn't heard of any of them. x_x; But I'm a quick learner so it wasn't so bad.
And finally, world geography FINAL EXAM. 200 freaking questions.
It was easy, I finished with 25 minutes to spare. Of course I rushed and guessed, since I'm tired by 7th period and just wanna go home. But I think I did well. I knew a bit. In the very least I figured I got a low 80, since the questions are only half a point each.

Tomorrow: multimedia and English exams. I'm exempt from English, so I dunno what we're gonna do. My last class with Mr. Choy and Mr. Redlinger. ;-;
Everything else: I'm not so angsty over Daniel anymore. Michael is pretty cool, and REALLY fucking smart. I keep comparing him to Cory, does that make me pathetic?

I watched Ultraman Mebius last night, thanks to TV-Nihon finally subbing it. I've been wanting to give Ultraman a try and figured Mebius would be the best start, since it was apparently a rockin' anniversary series.
The first episode was EPIC.
It was epic and it KNEW IT. I love shows that know they're epic, and take advantage of it.
I can't wait for the next episode. ^^

So yeah, still waiting for the SSBB site to update with whatever it is they have to show. On the edge of my seat. :O

My most favorite quote/lyrics ever: "All we need is some ice cream and a hug."

VerusMaya II

school, videogames, toku: ultraman mebius, real life

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