(no subject)

Oct 20, 2011 15:42

Uh, hey internet! Sorry for my radio silence but... I just haven't had much to say that wouldn't have been better expressed in >140 characters. I'm a lurker by nature, really.

I'm in my sophomore year of college, now. I'm a declared art major and once more living in the art dorm, although this time with one of my friends and not someone I hate. We live perfectly together and I think I have a (platonic) crush on her. I live across the hall from our mutual friend, and we play videogames, attend nerf wars, and hang out together. I've also started meditating with this group, although with the cold weather approaching I will probably not be as diligent as they'd like me to be.
I'm taking more courses I actually enjoy, although there are still some I have to truck through (hrrgh art history). My grades are doing worlds better - this semester is really going to help my GPA. I might even get my scholarship back! I got a new job in the art library, doing photoshopping of scanned artwork for an online database/professor use. It was a weird feeling going into the interview knowing I was overqualified for the position.
Sadly I'm still not drawing leisurely. It's been 2 and a half years since my junior year in high school and I still don't draw so freely and with such joy that I used to. It's a shame, really, and something I really miss. My brain simply doesn't work the same -- I don't get spontaneous ideas that I have to drop everything for and draw. Whenever I find myself staring down a blank piece of paper with no school assignment, nothing comes to mind. Maybe one day.

Fandom-wise, I'm still following LPs, and still hungrily devouring BBC Sherlock, and was terribly upset when the airing was delayed til Q1 2012. But the fic, artwork and community are still active, and I'm still reading through the original books, so it won't be too bad a wait. Especially since the holiday seasons are coming, and that's always good news for the videogame industry.
I've pre-ordered the special Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword bundle as a birthday gift to myself, especially cos I am a sucker for things like the golden Wiimote. I also dropped my last paycheck on some more Sims 3 expansions, because I am EA's bitch like that. (My next paycheck is going straight into Amazon's maw in exchange for yet another expansion.)
If the stars align, I hope to attend the midnight premiere of RDJ's Sherlock Holmes 2, and then go see Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy for Benedict (possibly for my birthday).

I've also, finally, resumed watched tokusatsu -- or at least Sentai. I kinda cheated though. I got so excited about Gokaiger that I jumped immediately into watching it, as opposed to what I'd prefer to do, which is to resume where I left off (Shinkenger and Goseiger). But Captain Marvelous is, well, so marvelous ;_;
I haven't touched Kamen Rider yet, and I won't until I finally watch all of Onore Dikeido. It's on my harddrive so I have no excuse except lack of effort.

Similarly, hype got me to watch Puella Magi Madoka Magica. I knew it was subversion of the magical girl genre but I didn't expect what I ended up getting. I'd highly recommend it regardless of fandom reaction and subsequent memes, as it is quite powerful and makes you think. Plus I'm super fond of taking something aimed at kids and making it more realistic (within certain parameters -- I am not a fan of grimdark for the sake of grimdark (looking at you, gaming industry)). Unfortunately, as with most things, I was not totally pleased with how the story was wrapped up, but to be fair the writers sort of wrote themselves into a corner with the rules of the universe they had set up. All in all it has gained a spot of honor on my external HD.

Uhm... I think that's it, really. See you 'round, internet.

VerusMaya II

game: zelda: skyward sword, toku: kaizoku sentai gokaiger, game: sims 3, anime: madoka magica, rl: college, tv: sherlock

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