(no subject)

Feb 24, 2009 21:15

With both story arcs having come to a fairly satisfactory close, I hope this is the end to the creepy stalkers.

So we last left off with that One Guy who gave me the rather disturbing love poem etc.
The following day (the 12th?) I received yet another index card on my desk when I walked into class. It was, unfortunately, a copy of the same poem in the same I-am-totally-fancy-guys-rite writing so... I'm not sure where he was going with that. I pawned the copy off to my friend Andria, as her mother loved the story and wanted the poem for future lulz. The Friday before Valentine's Day (and therefore what might as well have been V-Day for the school) I found another copy on my desk. At that point I was just like, screw it, and handed it off to anyone who wanted it (no one).
After a rather stressful day, I thought I was home free when I reached my last period of the day. Unfortunately I was wrong because it's just never that easy, is it? I walked into class and my teacher announces to me there's a card for me on my desk... someone left it. I immediately knew.
I've since thrown it away (the idea of keeping it for documentation didn't cross my mind at the time), but the gist of it was that he figured I knew his "real identity" as I'm the smartest person he knows (he must not know a lot of people) and that he'd like a response from me. Okay fine whatever just go away.
Over the weekend I gathered responses and opinions from my friends on how to approach this, until on Tuesday I finally just couldn't take him seriously anymore and just said upfront I'm not looking right now. His response? A rather anticlimactic "Oh." That said, he hasn't bothered me since!

And then there's Mr. Homecoming. Last mentioned a while ago when I rejected his offer to attend his namesake.
For a week or so after my rejection things were calm and I thought it had passed, but as time progressed he started talking to me more and more. Waiting for me outside my class, walking me to my next period, etc. etc. Stuff that just makes me uncomfortable and rrrrgh. But hey, I can deal. I'm okay with talking once a day for 5 minutes.
But then we get to winter break, and he messages me over facebook asking me what I want for Christmas. He kept insisting he get me something, no matter how many times I told him he shouldn't. So in the end I just told him a gift card to Gamestop would suffice. I was expecting like $15 or $20 max, y'know? A normal dollar amount for friends. Alas, it was not meant to be.
I return to school after the break and he finds me, handing me a card (with a Christmas-clothed Sora from KH2, haha) and the giftcard.
It was $50.
Come on guys this is ridiculousssss. I am not that appealing really! So whyyyyy~
I couldn't really reject it so I just gave him a hug and thanked him profusely and then spent the rest of the day and the day after wondering what I could give him in return, simply because $50 is an insane amount of money to me. I learned from my friends later on that he is a bit of a rich boy, and offers to buy expensive things for friends at a drop of a hat. This bothers me, as far back as I can remember money has been fairly tight for my family. I can't just buy whatever unless I deem it really worthy.
In the end my mother suggested I just used up some cookie dough we had gotten for free and bake him some cookies. Okay fine. I ran the risk of it being misconstrued as a special gift and not simply a thank you, but I had to settle my guilt. :/ Once again I later heard that he was super protective of the cookies and was like, fawning over them. My god guys why ;;

Fast forward to the week of Valentine's Day. I was mostly oblivious to the holiday until someone brought up what he's going to do for me. It was then that I started to panic, because he undoubtedly would do something. I tried hounding a mutual friend of ours for any details, but he claimed to not know anything.
On the Thursday before V-Day, Mr. Homecoming approached me and asked if I was going to be at school the following day. He could not have been less subtle.
I was unintentionally late to school on Friday, probably making him panic as he was waiting outside my first period class. Out of his backpack, he revealed a large heart-shaped box of chocolates, a card, and a little pink plushie kitty holding a valentine.
The bell was about to ring, though, so I thanked him and gave him a hug (at the end of the day I am still nice person, SIGH), and tried desperately to find room in my messenger bag to hide all this stuff. I gave the box of chocolates to my lunch table and we had fun taking bets on what was inside the chocolate.
I talked to my counselor in our grief group later on, and after I recounted my rather traumatic stalker experience[s], they spent the remainder of the time trying to come up with ways for me to let these guys down. I eventually followed my counselor's advice and opted to tell Mr. Homecoming over facebook. A coward's way out, I admit, but I just couldn't face him. He always looked so desperate and hopeful and just so pathetic. The faceless anonymity of the internet was a much more appealing alternative.

So, facebook it was. I messaged him in the evening, pretty much laying down the line. I explained that I had known what he was getting at for a while now, but if his intentions stretched beyond friendship then I simply wasn't interested. It was straight and to the point, and I tried to keep it as polite and friendly as possible.
He, too, gave an anticlimactic response. "Oh. I'm sorry." He was, however, man enough to thank me for being straightforward with him.
We've exchanged brief greetings while passing in the hallway but otherwise we haven't talked since!


Also I finally got my class ring. The stone is amethyst, my brother's birthstone. :) I got it because purple is pretty, they didn't have my real birthstone, and my other ring has my real birthstone anyway so. None of that traditional class ring design, that shit's ugly. >8]
It has my name engraved on one side, my school and graduation year on the other, and my full name engraved inside the ring.

After having beaten FE6 a week or so ago, I picked up Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon DS on release day. I only just hit chapter 8, though, since I'm anal about losing units. So far so good... just takes a lot of resetting.

VerusMaya II

what the hell, school, game: fire emblem ds, why me, creepy creepy creepy

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