Therapist appointment today, and quite frankly I don't want to go anymore. For some reason, the concept of talking seriously makes me uncomfortable. I was hesitant from the beginning but that has degraded simply to wanting to avoid it, and it's only the 3rd meeting. I can't even theorize what my problem about it could be. I wonder if this is my knee-jerk reaction that always shows up when I talk myself out of going to my school counselor to talk.
I suppose the only solution to this is to either present my problem to the therapist herself, or discuss with my mother. Both are not overly pleasant ideas - my mother may be slightly more accepting of the concept, since it means she gets to keep her money. I suppose I'll bring it up on our way there today.
Mental instability aside, no school today or tomorrow yeahhhhhhhhhh! The state fair is going on this month and Monday is my school district's fair day. Tuesday is just staff development so :)
On Friday, I took a huge leap of faith and filed a formal complaint against my algebra teacher. I'm not sure if I've ranted about her in depth, but just a quick summary: she's unnecessary rude (shouts at class constantly), sucks at teaching, and so on. I went through 3 people (even the principal, ack!) before I was finally directed to the head of the math department. Thankfully, she was super nice and understanding and listened to everything I had to say. I'm not sure I presented my case all that well (for some reason, when given the chance to speak, I forget everything I had to say). She'll be monitoring my teacher closely within the next week she said... I won't get a schedule change out of it (my original goal) and I doubt they'll fire her, so I'm not quite sure what exactly will come of this... but at least I spoke up?
Parentals returned home from California last night. Despite everything I am repeatedly sad when they leave, and happy when they return. I guess everything inbetween is just life, isn't it?
Man, guys, I feel like a huge jerk to the fandom to go back on my word, but Kiva is getting kinda interesting now. I still believe the acting is subpar (I really don't like Seto and Mio's actress was worlds better in Faiz) but in the very least the story has enough potential and good pacing to keep me coming back. That said there are still plenty of dropped plot points (however minor some of them are) but I can overlook that for the time being. At least it's not as bad as Kabuto or Faiz, right? Right?
Uhm, okay, KEITAI SOUSAKAN 7 IS THE BEST THING EVER THIS YEAR. Well okay that's arguable but really guys! Episode 23 was so amazing! It was the visual embodiment of everything I've ever wanted to write, and the goal for my first NaNoWriMo attempt this year! (*w *);;;;;
I could really go on forever about it but yeah. I think this is the year of the robosexuals. (See: Go-onger 30, Sosuke/Speedor in Go-Roader; Keitai 23, Keita/Seven couldn't get more obvious; Kiva 34, Wataru/Kivat crack pairing mention before the OP)
Now I'm going to go enjoy some more GOD HAND. :3
VerusMaya II