I am getting to hate Wednesday and Friday nights. I have to go to bed by 9:30/10 (21:30/22:00) so I can get up when it's still fucking dark at 4AM-ish in order to be at the hospital by 6AM for my pediatric nursing clinicals on Thursday and Saturday mornings.
Fortunately this will be over Feb. 8th. And my pysch nursing clinicals will START AT NOON, ABOUT FUCKING TIME I GOT A CLINICAL SCHEDULE MORE LIKE MY NATURAL SCHEDULE, GODDAMNIT. Of course, right now, my neighbors are having a loud, raucous party which I can hear despite the fact that all my windows are closed (and so are theirs) because it's fucking cold tonight in Chicago. Can't use earplugs to block them out, or I won't hear my alarm. Damnit!! I guess I'll use herbal sleep aids tonight: valerian, hops. Maybe I'll add a non-selective antihistamine...
/end rant/
/squee/ Egad, I genfic-ed! I wrote VfV V/Evey fic! Not too explicit, but I hope to more explicitly plumb the depths of their dysfunctional relationship in future stories. But first... I feel a HCL/FTWHTWD Joe Dick/Jerry Bines crossover coming on.
Shit. Is it bad that I squee myself?
/sigh/ if I ever thought I'd outgrow this, well, I've been disabused of that notion. All I want to do is finish school, get a job, and work 3 days a week 12 hours per shift so I can write and squee myself more, maybe even four days a week. Right now, school is a most irritating interruption of my fic plans.
Sometimes I think virtually everything I write is porn, even though I rationally know that's not true. I'd like to think I'm a 'erotographer' but when I read some of the stuff I've written, I think, "Who're you kidding: you're a pornographer. Yay. I'm fortunate to have a boyfriend willing to help out when I really squee, whether it's self-squee or other-squee. He first got a clue as to how he'd benefit from my squeeing when I attacked him after we saw Brokeback Mountain... which he hadn't really wanted to see. What a dope -- he wised up fast. Now he's all, "So what homoerotic movie are we renting tonight, honey?" I think tomorrow I will make him rent "The Brothers Grimm."
I had a strange thought earlier today (while I was writing up my pediatric clinical journal for yesterday's clinical, and should not have been thinking about fanfic of any kind) --
A V for Vendetta/The Prisoner crossover where the Rover makes an appearance would be fascinating. That damned Rover scared the shit out of me when I was a kid; it's still creepy to me now! And the mini-fascism of The Village where Number 6 was confined would've been a great V-liberation target. A showdown between V and The Rover would be really surreal, creepy and... weird enough for me to half-seriously consider writing.
Then I thought, Hey, a VfV/Interview With The Vampire crossover would solve the "[sob]why does V have to die!?" problem. As we saw in Interview w/the Vampire with little Claudia (movieverse but I think also in Anne Rice's novels), all one's imperfections are erased and one is not only restored but beautified by becoming a vampire. When you consider the way in which Lestat just wouldn't die despite Claudia's efforts to kill him, in such a crossoververse it would go without saying that V would survive if he just got some vampire blood in him. Then he could be reborn physically: Lestat-ified into Hugo Weaving-ishness. That could be ...pretty fucking cool! Or so I thought to myself.
The Rover...
btw: Pan's Labyrinth and Little Children -- very, very good films. Nothing like each other, but both very good.