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Aug 15, 2020 18:02

Иван Фадеев

1 дн. ·

Hear, hear! I couldn't agree more!

Peter Kwasniewski
2 дн.

Gregory DiPippo left this comment at NLM yesterday, in response to those who are still proposing "reforms" to the TLM:

"I assure you (in case you have somehow failed to notice) that the traumas experienced by those who love the traditional rites of the Roman Church are thoroughly real. There really was a reform occasioned by the most recent ecumenical council. That reform really did betray the intentions of that council on almost every point. The beauty and solemnity and dignity of the traditional forms of worship really were replaced almost universally by ugliness and banality. The new liturgy really did divorce Catholic worship from centuries of history and tradition on countless different levels. The traditional rites really were effectively proscribed within the Church, and efforts to preserve them really were brutally quashed. All of this really has been a catastrophic pastoral failure. Church attendance really did crater in every single historically Catholic nation on the planet. The Catholic hierarchy still to this day largely cannot bring itself to admit that this has all been a catastrophic failure. Traditionalists are perfectly reasonable to feel that, regardless of the merits or demerits of the kinds of reforms proposed by people like Schmemann and Bouyer, any application of them to the TLM now would inevitably just be a retread of this disaster."

The only changes we need for now are to get rid of the ham-handed attempts at reform that occurred from ca. 1948 onwards. The Tridentine rite works beautifully as it is, and it is eminently within the capacity of both clergy and laity to access its riches for the glorification of God and the sanctification of the faithful.
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