I present to you a meme that I stole from
Give me three words and, if you wish, a character or pairing, and I will write a drabble incorporating those three words.
For example: "[Sam/Dean]: limpet, interfere, irresponsible."
I'll do as many as I can, and y'all can make suggestions from any of the fandoms I've written for (SPN, BBC Sherlock, Angel the Series/BtVS, Teen Wolf). Please feel free to request slash or gen, I can do slash for most pairings but if I can't, I'll do gen.
Also, I use the traditional definition of a drabble as a fic that is exactly 100 words.
Go for it! I've gotta get the writing going again if I'm ever gonna finish this damn Sastiel BB.
UPDATE - Okay, I've done 9 and waiting for details for one more, I think that's about it for me. Thank you so much for the cool prompts!!!!