Pimping - Buy some porn, help my friend! by my fandom wife :)

Nov 16, 2012 09:16

Originally posted by saltandbyrne at Buy some porn, help my friend!
Hi guys!

As some of you may know, my fandom spouse verucasalt123 is dealing with some rough stuff right now.  She broke her arm and needed surgery, and she doesn't have health insurance.  Her hospital bills are staggering, so I'm trying to do my part to help her out.

I'm offering up fic to anyone who contributes to her hospital fund.  Here's what I'm thinking:

I'll write 1000 words of fic for every $10 you give, with no upper limit.  I promise to get it done sometime within the next six-eight months (probably much sooner, but I don't like to make promises I can't keep).   Just make a contribution to her hospital fund and let me know.  You can leave a note when you donate (it will still be anonymous), or send me some sort of proof that you donated (with personal info blacked out).  My email is saltandbyrne at gmail.

Check out my masterpost to see what I generally write.  I mostly write kink, underage and hardcore stuff.  Things I usually write:
underage, D/s, BDSM, kink, threesomes/moresomes, incest, knotting, alpha/omega, dirtybadwrong, filthy, filthy, filthy sex (especially rimming, felching, comeplay, facials, dp) and dirty talk.

Things I WON'T write: really extreme underage (under ~8), bestiality, scat, extreme injury/harm (amputation, prolapse, nullo), non-con/extreme dub-con, death fic, unhappy endings.

I write Supernatural, CWRPF, Teen Wolf and Teen Wolf RPF.  I'm open to most pairings, although I don't write John/Dean or John/Sam for spn, or Peter/Lydia for Teen Wolf.  I'll write slash, het, femslash, anything in between.

I'm open to writing most things, so if you have a question about whether I'll write something and it's not explicitly listed as something I won't write, drop me a message.  It's almost impossible to shock me and I promise I won't judge you :)

I'll keep this open until the end of the month. I know many people are participating in the Hurricane Sandy relief auctions (as am I) so if you need some extra time to make a donation, let me know.

If you do contribute, thank you!  Send me an email with pairings and kinks you like, dislikes, and some prompts for me to work with (3-6 is usually good).

veruca is a close friend and is the shoulder I always cry on when I'm stressed out or generally feeling shitty.  She could really use some help right now.  Thanks in advance.

Donate here!

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