Title: Pay No Attention To The Man Behind The Curtain Pairing: John, Sherlock, Mycroft W/C: ~650 Rating: R for cursing. Summary: A continuation to the conversation after John is ‘kidnapped’. Spoilers to A Study In Pink.
This reads quite like a blog entry, descriptive without overloading the reader. Also, the mental image of Mycroft declaring that he is OZ, the great and powerful amuses me greatly. Particularly if Mycroft is about ten in that image. I can just picture him watching that movie and becoming fascinated with the concept of the man behind the curtain and that leading to his current job as the British government.
No problem! :) I know that comments make writers happy (especially when that writer doesn't usually get many comments) and I love making people happy, so there you go. ♥
Comments 5
Thank you for the lovely new headcanon! :)
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