31 Supernatural Questions meme

Apr 08, 2012 22:03

Stolen from checkthemargins

1. Deangirl or Samgirl?

Samgirl. No question.

2. Casgirl, yes or no?

Most of the time, yes.

3. Favorite season?

Definitely Season 2

4. Favorite epidsode(s) from your favorite season?

Crossroads Blues

5. Season you're most likely to re-watch?

Probably 2 or 6.

6. Season you hate the most?

Season 4, I think, or maybe 5. Not that they weren't good, but the angst is too much for me sometimes.

7. Favorite episode of the current season?

I think it's Party On, Garth.

8. Least favorite episode from the current season?

Slice Girls.

9. Favorite angel (besides Cas)?

Lucifer, if he counts. If not, then Balthazar, for sure.

10. Least favorite angel?

Rachel. BORING.

11. Favorite demon?

Obviously, Crowley, he is The Man.

12. Least favorite demon?

Stupid-ass Meg. Ugh.

13. Favorite one-episode character?

Missouri Mosely.

14. Sam's hair looked best in which season?

Definitely S6.

15. If the show would have ended the way Kripke wanted it to, with Sam and Dean battling each other and jumping into the hole together (and God might show mercy on them, idk), would you have preferred that?

I think so.

16. Best casted character throughout the whole show?

Misha Collins.

17. Do you think Chuck is God?

It would be cool if he was.

18. Who's a hotter psychic, Patrica Arquette, Jennifer Love Hewitt or Sam?

Duh. Sam. (Even though I watched every single episode of Ghost Whisperer, SHUT UP)

19. Freedom or Peace?

For these boys? Peace.

20. Dimples, freckles, eye-crinkles, bowlegs, bangs, woobie frowns or jaw clinches?

I like them all but dimples win, hands-down.

21. Favorite kind of monster?

Skinwalker. ~shudder~

22. Weapon of choice?

The holy fire molotov cocktail that Cas threw at Michael in Swan Song.

23. Favorite death?

Dean's at the end of S3. (And how much do I love a show that you have to specify which death of a specific character?) If not for recent developments, I'd say Bobby.

24. Favorite minor character's death?


25. Pre-apocalyptic, apocalyptic or post-apocalyptic?


26. Scariest episode?

RepoMan was pretty freaky. Also Abandon All Hope.

27. Best song that mattered for a scene? (you can't choose Carry on Wayward Son)

Knockin' On Heaven's Door for the fireworks scene in Dark Side of the Moon.

28. Best and worst young versions of characters?

Young!Bobby was the worst. Way off. Colin Ford as young!Sam FTW, very best.

29. Characters I ship like crazy?

Just about all of the dudes. The only ones I really don't like much are the het ships like Dean/Lisa and Sam/Jess.

30. Favorite female character?

Definitely Missouri, I wish she could have been a recurring character.

31. Best and worst season intro and finale?

S6 for worst finale and S4 for best intro. Worst intro, S6, I think, and best finale, probably S2.

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