Christmas wish ficlet for
aerynsun5 who requested Sam and Dean, undercover at a gay bar on Christmas Eve. Mistletoe, dancing with other guys, jealousy. Hope you like it!!!
A/N: The “we’ve done it before” refers to this story, also written for a prompt: Right. So. Gay bar. We can do this, Sam thought, we’ve done it before and at least this time we don’t have to case the joint on drag night.
Dean and Sam were blending into the Christmas Eve crowd (who knew this would be a busy night?), assuming their roles as a couple out to enjoy the festivities. In reality, they were keeping their eyes peeled for the skinwalker they’d tracked through three states in as many weeks. It looked like this night would be a bust like the last ones had been - they’d gotten to the city too late, and their big bad had moved on.
Speaking of “in reality”, well…they weren’t exactly posing, but then neither of them had yet been able to identify what they had as gay couple, either.
Might as well make the most of it, Sam figured, as he ordered another beer and watched closely while his brother was pulled into a conversation with a stranger. He was almost as tall as Sam, and even had hair that was dark and a little on the long-ish side. The knot in his gut twisted as he saw the man move in closer and place his hand on Dean’s shoulder.
Granted, Dean had downed a few drinks, but that didn’t excuse the fact that he didn’t clock the dude in his fucking jaw for touching him.
Sam figured he was on jaw-clocking duty, and got out of his seat, moving toward the edge of the dance floor where his brother was still holding a conversation while some asshole had his hand on Dean’s arm.
It look a minute or so before Dean and his new soon-to-be-dental-patient friend realized that Sam was right on top of them, looming, his expression tight with anger.
“You wanna introduce me to your new pal here, Dean?”
Dean read the look in his brother’s eyes and immediately moved away from the other man’s touch.
“Can’t. Don’t know his name. Don’t care.”
The response, coupled with a six and a half foot tall man who clearly did not approve of his proximity to Dean, led the man to hold up both his hands and walk away.
“We were just talking, Sam. Don’t be like that. Come on, please?”
“If you really don’t want me to be like that, you might as well write it in a letter to Santa and mail it to the North Pole”, he replied, eyes steady and mouth still pulled into a scowl. Dean could see how it had intimidated the man who’d been talking to him, because hell, right now, Dean was feeling a little intimidated. He knew his brother was a jealous lover, worse than any girl he’d ever been with.
“Sorry, Sam. Thanks for not punching the guy’s lights out. He didn’t mean anything by it.”
“He fucking touched you. He’s lucky he’s not picking his teeth up off this filthy floor right now. And you…what the hell? You know better.” Sam wrapped his hand around the spot on Dean’s arm where Lucky-To-Still-Have-All-His-Teeth guy had touched him. Except this time, it wasn’t a searching, gentle touch. Dean would surely be sporting a Sam’s-hand-shaped bruise by morning.
Dean repeated his apology as Sam paid the bar tab and hustled him out of the club.