Following instructions to re-post 2 weeks before Christmas.

Dec 11, 2011 22:13

Originally posted by verucasalt123 at Jumping on the WishList bandwagon.
Step One
•Make an LJ post. It can be public or friends only, whatever you’re most comfortable with.
The post should contain your list of ten holiday wishes, and these wishes can be anything - from simple (a fan fiction written about your favorite pairing), to medium (a DVD you want), to really extravagant (a brand new laptop or car).
Just make sure these are wishes for things you really truly want.

Step Two
•Skim through your friends list and see who has posted their own wish lists.
Then - and this is the most important part - if you find a wish you can grant, and it’s in your heart to do so, make sure that person’s wish comes true.
Sometimes a person’s trash is another person’s treasure.
If you have a leather jacket you don’t want or a gift certificate you’re never going to use, give it to someone who wants it.

Step Three
• Post this wish list any time after November 1st. Then repost it two weeks before Christmas.

1) Fanfiction in any of my fandoms - Supernatural, Angel, or BtVS, with lots of slashy boysex goodness.

2) Podfic of anything that I have ever written. It's my new obsession.

3) Fanvids, Wincesty or maybe something centering on deals - Dean's deal with the crossroads demon, Sam's deal with Ruby, Castiel's deal with Crowley.

4) Banners or header pics for any of my fics.

5) Hand me downs - if anyone has clothes in size 14 or so that you're not wearing anymore, I am in desperate need. My size 6s from last year are still hiding from me, ready to scream and run away if I even so much as look in their direction.

6) Unused gift cards from places like Starbucks and Dairy Queen. Yeah, I will fess up and admit that's not for me, but my kids love that kind of stuff and I can't always get it for them.

7) Pajamas. Comfy soft warm pajamas.

8) God, this is ridiculous. I'm pathetic. Bath towels. Some of mine are wedding gifts I received in 1994.

9) Anything that you think a 13 year old angsty emo smartass girl or an amazingly affectionate and intellectually gifted 8 year old girl might like. And yes, I know this supposed to be about me, but my default setting is my daughters, I can't help it.

10) An instant cure for insomnia and alcoholism.

I will happily give out my email or snail mail address to anyone who wants it.I am really happy to have been able to fulfill a few wishes for some of my LJ friends, and so grateful for those who have filled some of mine.
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