Title: Not What You Think
Author: verucasalt123
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Dean, Castiel
Claim: Theme 01: Elemental
http://verucasalt123.livejournal.com/85331.htmlPrompt(s): #05, Moon
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: These boys do not belong to me.
Summary: Dean is pretty sure he knows.
Another evening spent lying on the hood of the Impala, staring up at the sky, shoulders touching, hips brushing up against each other.
Cas stared upwards, barely responding to any of Dean’s attempts at conversation.
“I’m really sorry, man. I mean it, I know at least some of this is on me, and I never meant for things to work out this way.”
“Why are you apologizing to me for actions I took? Decisions I made on my own? I wish you would not feel badly”, Cas replied, barely able to stifle a laugh at the fact that he wished anything. He wasn’t supposed to wish for anything, to want anything, it wasn’t what he was made for.
Then, he wasn’t made to fall, and that was happening anyway.
“Dude, I’m just saying, I can see you looking up like you miss Heaven so fucking much.”
“I am not looking for Heaven, Dean. I am simply looking at the moon, and appreciating its beauty, as I have not been able to do in the past. As far as your part in that, I have you only to thank, not to blame.”
They were silent for a while, neither of them knowing what to say to the other.