Mar 30, 2006 14:02
Thanks to the wonders of funding cuts, my gloriously amazing course will not be available for me to study. So no classical Latin for me. I will however, be applying, (Vtac regulation willing) as a mature-age student for a Double major in art history and western culture. A BA, but it can go to honors, and hopefully I can find a way to wrangle a PhD out of it.
So, I need to write an autobiographical application along with an entrance exam ( multiple choice). Hopefully there won't be a lot of maths involved. Maths and I have a very tenuous relationship with each other, and tend to avoid each other at all costs. Hopefully The Powers that Be will allow me to fill in the appropriate forms while still being under 21, as I turn 21 in December. I hope that I can make it in. I really do.
Hmm. Autobiographical essays. I would sooner cut out my own tongue than risk an essay turning into some kind of Communal Sob Fest. (fear my capital letters) I find it ridiculous that I am required to write something riveting and interesting about my life, when I feel there is really very little to note. Perhaps something extraordinary will happen, and I will be probed by aliens between now and when I have to write this paper. (by that stage, alien probing will probably make me reconsider my choice as an Art History/Western Culture major, and will make me try for a major in Applied Physics, whereby an autobiographical essay will be unnecessary)
And now we wait and see.