
Apr 11, 2011 19:36

Looks like the snow finally let up! There are still snowdrifts on the ground around the temple and in Eider, but it's all gone in Ardel, leaving behind nothing but cold mud (ick!). The baby yetis are vanishing, too, though every now and then you might find one stuck in a snowdrift. They cling a little too hard to their winter fun, poor things.

The rain in Hande has also let up. A thick mist covers the swamp in the mornings, but burns off by lunch. Looks like the locals must have been right about the white stag, as many of the lotus blossoms show definite signs of being munched on. Local fishermen are also starting to share stories--it seems each one of them has caught a bigger fish than the last one, and the arguments over who's lying and who's telling the truth are getting quite heated! But don't worry, it's nothing a pint or two can't solve.

Sabatier still has the worst of it. The winds are picking up, and it looks like there might be a real sandstorm on the way. Nobody goes outside without keeping their skin well-covered. How troublesome. But sandstorms aren't all bad. As the winds continue to kick up, they also uncover more and more items in the sand, including brake discs, sheets of corrugated metal, old books and...human skeletons. Actually, that one isn't a skeleton yet--that body looks rather fresh!


That's it for your weather update, Vertiline. Enjoy the good weather while you can!


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