(no subject)

Aug 26, 2008 23:40

Honestly? Right now I feel like Luke Wilson in Idiocracy, only instead of people calling me gay every time I form a grammatically-correct sentence, it's people alluding to my "sensitive nose" every time I mention that something STINKS!

I mean, really stinks. Like when my roommate doesn't clean his kitty litter box.

His best friend doesn't clean his body. I was afraid to say anything, even though he left his considerable funk behind when he left the room, but felt a little more comfortable picking on him when I was at my most vulnerable, meaning I was soaking wet, wearing nothing but a towel and some soap residue. His response was to say he'd clean up because he knows how sensitive I am to that sort of thing.

You are an unwashed human being. Don't make excuses. Take a shower.
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