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May 19, 2008 22:38

Neil Gaiman's version of David Tennant's Doctor doing Hamlet's famous soliloquy:

"To be, or not to be, that is the question. Weeelll.... More of A question really. Not THE question. Because, well, I mean, there are billions and billions of questions out there, and well, when I say billions, I mean, when you add in the answers, not just the questions, weeelll, you're looking at numbers that are positively astronomical and... for that matter the other question is what you lot are doing on this planet in the first place, and er, did anyone try just pushing this little red button?"

And in related news, did you know that Georgia Moffett, who played the title character in the newest Doctor Who episode, "The Doctor's Daughter," really is the Doctor's daughter? She's the child of Peter Davison (number five) and Sandra Dickinson (Trillian from Hitchhiker's Guide, the TV version, as opposed to the film Trillian, whom I have met.)

Oh, and did you also know she's the most gorgeous and charming person I've ever seen on television. Forget Laura Harris. I'm all for Georgia Moffett, and I can't wait for what comes next.
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