I put our convention on a waiting list to get an experimental Google Analytics account, and we got in. :D It's HIGHLY awesome at telling you where people are coming from, what particular page they're going to, how much TIME they spend on each page, what page they usually go to next, how often they visit....etc. etc. ANYHOW, I noticed something interesting about our referring sites......
The picture shows our top 17 referring sites. And some of these happen to be our club members! The circled sites are them. Right now, Nick
nickgxz is winning, with Jenny (moogleroyalty and
somedaytokyo) right behind. Sana and Josh
valendros are also listed. Kinda cool, eh? :) The G2 column is what percentage of people checked out our registration page from each referring source (G1 would be if anyone had purchased a registration). This is from the last week. Kinda cool, eh?
Anyhow, I think this proves, at least to some extent, that our personal sites can matter (well, unless all those visits are our club members being too lazy to type in the URL....but let's assume that's not totally the case here XD :)). Sometimes random people will somehow find our sites and click on the links. So, guys, keep up the awesome work! And if you see other sites to add our URL to, please do so - it makes a big difference!
Oh....and let's see who can refer or create the highest number of *legit* traffic (aka new people checking out the site). Let the games begin! :)
Your benevolent dictator,
Becky :)