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Oct 20, 2006 01:05

I was looking on gamespot because I do that sometimes from time to time and I saw this
"A game-addiction clinic? Wow...that is just WOW.. I mean WOW! ..."

So I was curious and I googled video game addiction and there was 9,920,000 web sites relating to video game addiction. I looked at a couple of them and jesus some people are a little crazy.

"Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games (MMORPG) is a digital escape from the real world for emotionally unhealthy and mentally unstable people. It is a place for computer enthusiasts and social outcasts to gather un-bothered and un-harassed by the realities of real life."

I am thinking for some people that is true.

and in this one
It says "Nearly 20 percent said they would most prefer to have their video games if stuck on a deserted island."

Like that is a horrible thing. I would want some video games to play if I was stuck on an island. The island might be fun for a month or so because you can explore it and stuff but after you saw the whole island and built a hut and all that. What else are you going to do? Make more rope out of vines? That would get kind of boring after a while. If you don't have a volleyball to talk to then you might as wel bust out the DS and hope the batteries last until you can figure out how to harness power from lightning using some coconuts.

This one has a phone number to call.
I should so call them tomarrow just to see what they say.

"despite possible detrimental effects of excessive video game playing, there are benefits to playing video games in moderation. For instance, video games may improve spatial abilities, the ability to create and apply multiple strategies, and may help develop critical analyzing techniques"

I tottaly agree with that.

I like video games. They are fun and stuff. Kelsi plays video games and that isn't going to inspire her to commit suicide or bring a gun to school and kill everyone. If you think video games are too violent for your kid then don't buy you 12 year old little boy God Of War and Splinter Cell. If your kid is messed up in the head for whatever reason don't buy violent games. Make your kid play Spyro or something. Running around breathing fire on weird looking things, blowing bubbles to collect dragonflies and collecting gems isn't going to screw you up. If your kid complains that Spryo is boring tell him tough shit. If you aren't a crappy mother your kid would know the difference between real and make believe anyways. Kelsi knows that whacking Heartless with a big Key is not realistic. She isn't stupid. She knows that if you hit someone that little green balls aren't going to appear in their place and heal you. One of the articles I looked at was complaining that Grand Theft Auto san Andreas was bad for their young children. if you are stupid enough to buy a game that has a big ass M on it for the esrb rating for your 10 year old then you deserve to have problems with your kid.

This girl I know, Sarah, she works with handicapped children. Mostly autistic. She told me about this one 9 year old autistic boy that was at the school she worked at. She said he was the worst kid in the whole world. He would try to beat up people and grab things and act like it was a gun and he was just really violent. I guess the director of the school had a talk with the parents and come to find out the reason he was like was becuase he had an Xbox and he would play Halo. I don't know if this is just me, but if I had a 9 year old autistic child I wouldn't buy him Halo. I might be wrong but I think that had a M rating on it too.

Hello! Morons! Pay attention! just because the game is requested by your son or daughter for christmas and he wants it really bad. Rent the damn thing and play it yourself to see if it is appropriate. Read things about the game don't just buy the game because your spoiled little shit wants it.

Some of those articles say don't put a tv and a game in your childs bedroom. A child has no business with a TV in their bedroom to begin with. People complain all the time on like 20/20 and other shows like that kids watch too much TV and play too much games. If your kid is an unhealthy lazy yet really violent bastard and only leaves his room for bathroom breaks and food it is your own damn fault for raising them like that. if your kid doesn't do his homework because he is playing a game, guess what that is the parents fault also. Kelsi isn't even allowed to play games on school nights. She is only allowed to play on friday night and saturday. Does that make me a mean mom because I limit her from doing that. She doesn't even ask anymore if she can play a game on a school night. She knows I won't let her. And she doesn't watch enough television to see commercials for games. so she never really asks me for anything unless it is in her Disney Adventures magazine. She wants to play the chicken little game. And she did want to play some game called Viva Pinata but they I told her it was on Xbox and I am not buying an Xbox and she said ok. She didn't throw a fit and say but I want it, I need it. One of the articles I read said if your child throws a fit and begs for it don't buy it. Well no kidding. I can't stand people that buy crap for their kid becuase he or she is having a tantrum in the store. All your succeeding in doing is teaching them that if the throw a hissy fit they get whatever they want.

Bah. Whatever. People are dumb. But we already knew that. And now I must away to land of stripey sheets and fluffy purple pillows.
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