
Mar 21, 2010 14:18

It was Spring yesterday, but I didn't notice until I left the house to go to my mothers. It was a nice drive. The sky was cloudy and occasionally a few drops of rain would speckle my windshield. I left them though- sometimes I like to play this game where I don't use my wipers until I absolutely have to, just to see if they dry faster than they reappear.

The air was warm, and damp. Everything felt new, sounded new.. smelled new. Spring is like the calm before a storm, or the moment right before you wake up when your mind begins to settle back into its shell. None of the migratory birds have returned, none of the insects have hatched, none of the plants have begun to grow.

I had my windows down when I drove, so I could feel it. Something about spring makes me feel calmer, peaceful. There's no need to bundle up, or cool off, everything is just right.

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