Im getting really fucking scared. Our world is falling apart around us, and noone is the wiser.
Wake up people... if rocketing oil/fuel prices arent a big flashing neon sign to you, i suggest you do some reading - This is NOT just a conspiricy theory... our "unlimited" sources of cheap energy will cease to be economical, at which point it will be unfeasible to continue using them. Thats what people mean by our oil running out, thats the problem, thats what noone believes. The public is just too entrenched in its suburban americanised lifestyle to care. Most probably, you wont be able to stay where you are. You wouldnt be able to live, grow enough food for yourself.
Noone believes it! You would do very well to pay attention and be worried!
The recent hurricane in New Orleans was terrible, but we have yet to see the real impact it will have, Im betting. Just watch, I think this will set off an oil epedemic. Bush is currently doing sweet fuck all to help New Orleans people. They are starving, dying, waiting for someone to help them, but noone is. They need a US-wide aid effort, but arent getting it. The Mayor of New Orleans is furious. I can only speculate why Bushie isnt doing what he should... but Im sure its because they dont have the funds, as they are currently being invested in a war to secure oil reserves?
Do you think its below Bush to just leave New Orleans for dead? Well see I guess, I hope Im wrong.
Sorry, went off on a tangent there....
Most of you are my personal friends, so Im asking you now to wake up, and smell the oil. Its heavy sour, and wont make your car run at $1.50 per litre. It will be much, much, much higher. We actually are fucked. Get as self sufficient as you can. Sell your car, or convert it to biodesiel, and expect to not use it nearly as much as you do now. Also realise that biodesiel isnt a replacement for petrol, its a last ditch backup plan. Its quite hard to make. Get off the national electrical grid. Fortunately in NZ here, we have a lot of hydroelectric dams, so our power is reletively clean. But youd still do very well to invest in solar panels, wind turbines, or if you are luck enough to own land near a stream, a micro-hydroelectric turbine will see you right.
Also, learn how to grow your own food. If you dont want to raise livestock, expect to become a vegetarian. Fruit would probably be ideal.
Im not sure how it will affect NZ... but America will turn into anarchy soon. They simply cant sustain their lifestyle, but will expect to. People will die, starving and grasping for their McDonalds and their SUVs and their global network of everlasting food, water, and entertainment. Security. It wont be there, and they will perish because they cant adjust. Those that do, will be much better off however.
One thing is very important if things turn out this way - the world will turn from city based societies, into community based localities. People will be forced to work together, and those that do early enough, will be in a much much better situation than the rest of us.
Ironically, those tribal communes in remote areas will be unaffected, and will probably just go about daily life. I envy them.
No I havent turned insane yet :)
Just please dont shrug off anything Ive said, Its all true. You have been led astray by an "all-knowing" media.
I hate Bush. I hate what America has become, I hate the ingression of suburban lifestyle that we have adopted. Given what I know now, and had I been around in the years post WW2, I wouldnt have accepted it.