bobbysaurus is a sweetheart who I wish I married when I had the chance... Now I'm doomed to be a haggard lonely would-be-bride for the rest of my life. ha,ha, that should have been "would-be-McBride"!
dirtyoldtownie I miss you. Let me know when you're in Ireland.
emer_the_lemur is a DARLING. She makes me laugh every time I check my livejournal and we never even knew each other all that well! One of the most genuine people you'll ever meet.
evilucifer what can I say? This girl is king.
froodie for getting me excited about india and having a heart for travel, Froodie seems like a cool person to have as a companion...
knaveofpens man, where IS this guy gone? I hope he's working on writing and stuff AND that his family are well!!
uponahill makes me jealous with his talk of meeting "the next big things". I think the NME has tainted whatever interest I would have had for these bands normally. I his your style of writing!
vox_populi has CLASS.
la_la_la_suzi will almost CERTAINLY fulfill her dream of getting onto Big Brother and I have no doubt that she would charm the nation with her hilarious antics.