Sep 08, 2010 22:54
So I'm really getting dangerously broke; I think I've spent $100 over the last few days to get stuff and food I needed for my room and school, and I haven't even bought books and art supplies yet. I got into drawing, but now I'm really nervous because it's a three hour block in the morning twice a week and I'm scared of the assignments. Also, I feel like I'm getting that "reverse culture shock" thing that people kept talking about before I came back. Being back at Smith just doesn't seem real; something that I can't put my finger on always feels off. My German Culture teacher also seems like a bit of an anti-intellectual (it's hard to explain; that term is definitely too small), and because it's a lower level class, there's a lot of busywork like that reflection bullshit. I still haven't gone to two of my classes, and I just switched into one blindly.
My computer is breaking down too; it takes less and less time before it gets really really slow, and I don't really know what to do. I can't tell if it's the hard drive (I have most important stuff backed up, thankfully) or if a fan is broken, but I don't know what the hell else I can do; the part of IT that fixes computers seems a bit douchey, especially since the first thing they'll think is that I'm some moron who just has a bunch of spyware.
Also I'm mad at Top Chef; immunity to the final as a quickfire reward and a team challenge as elimination is bullshit, Tom was an ass, and it looks like Eric Ripert isn't around for this episode, and so probably not the finale. which is horseshit because he is cute and French.
Thinking of something good today, I might be getting a little better at talking to my aquaintances in the house. Also, tomorrow I go to my Comics Underground class, which should be fun.
I really wish I knew how to make things feel more 'right' though. It all seems wrong, especially with most of the people I know gone.