same-old thing

Jul 01, 2008 12:39

When you are unemployed and bumming around, and ppl ask how you've been doing and how your day went, the reply would normally be "Oh, same old same old." That's not normally true in my case. I just can't be bothered to give a long and rambly run down on everything I've been doing - and Ive been doing quite a bit cos I've got time on my hands anyway.

I've been:

1. Reading or re-reading old books -

  1. Angels and Demons: Dan Brown
  2. Slow Burn: Julie Garwood (damn boring lah. I finished it in 2 hours. Have to remind myself to return it at the rental bookshop at Plaza Sing, cos it's not worth the 6 bucks I paid for)
  3. Slightly Married: Mary Balogh (worse than the Julie Garwood. Took me about  3-4 days, cos it was my toilet book! Haha!)
  4. Left for Dead: Beck Weathers (pretty good book, light reading. Its an autobiography of a guy who climbed Mt Everst, and almost didn't make it home... He ended up with a missing nose, 1 stump for a hand, and 2 fingers on the other hand)
  5. Following Gandalf: Matthew Dickenson (Good Book, but a little too deep. I cant even recall half of what I read! Haha)
  6. Writing a Great Resume: CliffsNotes
  7. CVs for Graduates: Gerald Higginbottom
  8. A  Prison Diary Vol I "Belmarsh: Hell" : Jeffrey Archer
  9. A Prison Diary Vol 2 "Wayland: Purgatory": Jeffrey Archer

I'd like to add that I really loved the Prison Diaries, and cant wait to get Vol 3 out, when he gets sent to an Open Prison. Seriously, I would recommend PD to anyone. It's one of the best biographies (sort of) which I have read in a looong time, and it's pretty light and humorous in a very very dry way. My sis picked up Vol 1 cos she was so bored, and now she's hooked on Vol 2! Seriously - Read it!

2. Learning new piano songs:
I loooove the piano songs from Jay Chou's SECRET. And *gasp* I've managed to get the score for the piano battles, and the time travel theme. I've mastered the time travel theme already, and its one more to go! For any of you who are interested in what the song sounds like, here's a link on youtube

image Click to view

3. Training for the 6km run which I've signed up for with Yunnie and Feli.
Man, am I regretting it now... sort of. I swear that I am really really unfit man. Out of the 4 of us (lemmy included), I think I'm the only one with a tummy. Feli and Lemmy.. no need to even talk about. Yunnie - well, she's been gyming and going for yoga and dance classes and what not (at least she's active). Me? I'm the only one who ass-parks the whole day I think. Anyway, I've been going down to the gym, and running for about 20-25 mins flat on 8.2 km/hr. Stupid machine. The stupid thing is set in such a way that it only allows you to run for 30 mins max, before it forces you to cool down for 5 mins. So obviously, I never ever make 6 km at all in my 35 mins on the tread mill right? Even when I set the damn thing to distance training, I hit about 4 km max before the damn thing goes into cool down mode. Argh. Its so frustrating. Anyway, Pang did say that if I really wanna train for it, then I should really run on the streets. So I've decided that once I've built up my stamina, I am going to run to Holland V... which is about 5 km from my house. I'll run there with my mp3 player, $5, and my ezylink card, then have brekky and kopi, and then take a bus back! HAHAHAHAHAHAH!

4. Playing this stupid online puzzle game called PHANTOM MANSION

5. Waiting for Saturdays to come so I can look through the Recruit section and apply for jobs.
I feel happier everytime its an online application into their database direct, cos it means I don't have to write cover letters! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

So now you know - Its the same-old same-old 5 things through the week.
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